Women at War

by John Bean

During the Second World War women played an invaluable and often courageous role in Britain’s armed services. They served in their own units: the WRENS, ATS and WAAF (In the Soviet Union many were fighter pilots in the war against Germany).  Apart from our women’s role in administration and support services, which helped to release men for direct combat roles, they took casualties in manning AA guns, flying aircraft from manufacturers to air bases and as nurses in all theatres of war. Others were killed in air attacks on RAF airfields and at Portsmouth, Plymouth and Chatham naval bases. As one who was around at the time I salute their memory.

Having served with all male crew in the Royal Navy, I have now begun to accept  that

female volunteers are now integrated with the men in ever increasing numbers. But mounting evidence suggests that in some instances there is a fall off in discipline.  Some officers have expressed concern at the outcome of any future conflict, where the natural reaction of the male would be to look after the female crew members to the possible detriment of carrying out their own tasks efficiently. Similar concern has been expressed in the Army on occasions, as a result of left-liberal egalitarians agitating for women to undertake front-line combat roles, which in theory now exists in the US army and marines. Imagine such a mixed gender force, acting as individuals rather than as a team, trying to storm the Normandy beaches in 1944 against the battle-hardened troops of the Wehrmacht. They would not have got off the beach and the slaughter would have been unimaginable. Can this be denied?

My argument is certainly not motivated by misogynism. It is simply that the normal female mental make-up is motivated to the caring aspects of life. A soldier must be prepared to kill.


To kill at close quarters with the bayonet as well as at a more comforting distance from the enemy. It is not in the female nature to carry out the  first method and most males have to be trained for it. Our soldiers had to do this at Tumbledown in the Falklands, Iraq and Afghanistan. Many suffered psychologically for it afterwards.  That is the nature of war.

The Israelis have learnt this lesson.  In the early sixties the media had a field day with  glamour photos of Israeli women soldiers ready to fight alongside the men.  This was quietly dropped after the ’67 Yom Kippur War.  The Israeli soldiers and police you see today suppressing the Palestinians are all men.

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  1. In civilised Countries , Women have no problems but as Islam takes over our Country and soon voting will be a distant memory. Looking at life through the Veil they will wish they had Joined and helped the BRITISH DEMOCRATIC PARTY !

  2. If Women really did fly fighter Planes for Russia against Germany , in the Second World War , then did they fly AGAINST us for the first two years of the war , WHEN RUSSIA WAS AT WAR WITH US , ONLY TO CHANGE SIDES , THE RATS , WHEN GERMANY SUDDENLY ATTACKED THEM !

    • The Soviet Union was supposedly NEUTRAL until Hitler attacked them. They gobbled-up half of Poland in September/October 1939 and Hitler’s Germany took the other half. They signed a secret memorandum with Nazi Germany and the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939. I talked to my now (sadly) dearly-departed grandmother about WW2 and when I spoke about the Soviet Union/Russia she once suddenly hissed and said to me, “Don’t talk to me about Russia!” I believe she blamed the Soviet Union just as much as Germany for war breaking-out in September 1939. Perhaps, if we in Britain had signed some agreement with Stalin in August 1939 instead of Molotov and Ribbentrop then Hitler may have been deterred from invading Poland?

      Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa (the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941) is alleged by some historians to have been a preventative invasion to forestall an attack by Stalin on Germany but also the rest of Europe.

  3. Interesting article. I wonder what all those brave and dedicated women would think if they walked through one of our ”culturally diverse” cities today. When you see the rot that we ended up with, and the millions of lives lost, on all sides…the incomprehensible scale of our betrayal.

    Here’as an example of what we ended up with. From the disgraceful pc maniacs of the Evening Standard, which regularly gives a platform to Anti Whites:

    This week Cambridge Union’s women’s officer Lola Olufemi wrote an open letter to the university urging it to ”decolonise the faculty” by removing white male authors from study and replacing them with some black and minority ethnic writers.

  4. Lola Olufemi another ethnic woman enabled by Whites, follows in the path of Jason Osamade Okundaye, ”ethnic officer for Cambridge” who incited violence against Whites after the riot in Dalston and got of Scot Free…only for the vile Leftie zealouts OF the Guardian to allow him to whine about the response he received …making out HE was the victim…despite him calling for violence against Whites, including White women and children!!! in his own words ”They can all geddit”.

    Cambridge University has a lot to answer for, permitting this type of behaviour at such a great educational institution, revered the world over.

  5. Yes, how everyone pulled together and did their bit for Britain, the ladies here show our collective spirit, and we truly appreciate their sterling efforts. How united we once were. When you see some of GB now, it breaks your heart, what would they all think, of what the politicians did to us, and to see the hate we now face in our own country? they were our grandmothers and great grand mothers! a fitting tribute from JB.

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