Where we Stand on the Economy

UK-Sterling-Money1 We believe in private enterprise but we do not subscribe to the view that there should be no economic regulation by the state. We would pursue a policy of Economic Nationalism.
In particular, we do not believe in unrestricted international trade, when it has plainly destroyed much of our manufacturing industry. We would seek the re-building of our manufacturing industry with state assistance if necessary. Globalisation – the free movement of goods, services and even people around the world can have only one result: that all wage levels throughout the world will approximate to the same level.
Macro-economic policy must be based on the principle that what is physically possible must be financially possible, otherwise there is something wrong with the financial system. This means that if there are unemployed workers and unsatisfied needs that they could fulfil, the financial system must facilitate the satisfaction of those needs.
The current financial system is one in which much of the money supply is created by private banks on the basis of the banks’ need to make a profit, rather than the needs of the economy. The quantity and form of money in circulation must be under the control of the Bank of England, which must be independent of the government of the day.
The ways in which governments of different political persuasions try to reduce unemployment and restore business activity are many and varied. Both the Keynesian and Friedmanite approaches are flawed. We need a system that quickly causes activity to return without causing inflation by precipitate increases in demand. We need  to produce reflation without inflation.
The Structure of Business
We favour private enterprise for most areas of the economy. However, we believe that natural monopolies such as the postal system and eventually the railways should be publicly-owned, in the form of public corporations.
We believe that private enterprise should be extended to as many people  as possible by encouraging:  self employment; small and medium sized businesses; employee share ownership schemes, such as those provided by Marks & Spencer; and full employee partnership, such as the John Lewis Partnership/ Waitrose.
We do not approve of the process of Globalisation or the political and  economic ideology of Globalism,which advocates the process. However, global and multi-national companies are a fact in the modern world. If it were not for Honda and  Nissan plants in the UK, we should have a much depleted car manufacturing industry. If global or multi-national companies wish to sell their products in Britain, the assumption is that they should manufacture their goods in Britain, employing British people.

We would review carefully such practices as transfer pricing, whereby global corporations seek to transfer their profits overseas to avoid paying taxes to the Exchequer. In the longer term, of course we should like to re-establish British manufacturing industry, owned by British companies. We believe that British utilities should be controlled by British companies.
–Reproduced from our policy leaflet

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  1. ( Party Member ) Just had an e mail from the Conservatives , boasting they have created 1,ooo jobs per day since they came to power in 2010. They will be minimum or half wage. How many People have they flooded into the Country from around the world, per day ??? I bet they won’t e mail me that figure !

    • Even if that were the unvarnished truth and I have grave doubts about it myself then is the country really meant to be jumping-up and down in delirious admiration when the vast majority of these ‘McJobs’ will be part time and very poorly-paid at best? That, of course, is making an assumption they will have gone to BRITISH people and that is a very big assumption to make when our country has its HIGHEST EVER population!.

      The Tories claim they are against STATE DEPENDENCY yet many of these people will be claiming IN WORK benefits because the wages are too low to live a proper life on!

      Also, the Tories BELIEVE IN STATE DEPENDENCY in another vital way in the form of GIVING PRIVATE PROFIT-MAKING COMPANIES FREE LABOUR and thus an EFFECTIVE STATE SUBSIDY to them by way of their workfare scheme and a constant ‘revolving door’ of people people going to them from the ‘job’ centres when these companies should be required to hire the labour they want IN THE FREE MARKET and advertise for PAID WORKERS.

      • So there you have it, the party that is supposedly most in favour of the free market believes in heavy-handed interference with a PRIVATE labour market just so they get some cheap votes from Daily Mail ‘reading’ morons who don’t understand basic economics and think all unemployed people are inherently lazy when the truth is we have a severe unemployment problem because of too weak ECONOMIC DEMAND for labour.

  2. Where there is a will ………. Leaflet team has been out in Wakefield today lovely spring weather and our leaflets really well received.

  3. Any MORON can get unemployment down by making the conditions for claiming benefits so tough that many of the people who are in the worst unemployment situations (ie the long-term unemployed) don’t go to the ‘job centres’ and thus come off the BLATANTLY FIDDLED figures (some 40 or more MAJOR CHANGES as to how they have been collated SINCE the 1980’s).

    SOME ONE MILLION people are estimated to be ‘economically inactive’ by a recent local government association report and are thus living at home off the bank of mum and dad when they should be going to the job centres and making themselves known to the authorities.

  4. If the Tories were correct in claiming this kind of wondrous economic miracle has actually happened then how come George Gideon Oliver Osbourne is having so much trouble getting sufficient tax revenues into the Treasury?

  5. And our trade deficit is the HIGHEST EVER RECORDED so we are still paying a massive price for Mrs Thatcher’s dogmatic following of the most crazy globalist neo-liberal economic theories which severely denuded our manufacturing base by a THIRD!

  6. Good economic policies, I especially agree with ‘what is physically possible must be financially possible’. I would however suggest that The Bank of England may not necessarily be the best institution to control the issuance of the nation’s money supply, unless it is under democratic control and accountable to the people and not a coterie of private bankers! After all the BoE was founded as a private bank to lend money to the King and government at interest and a big profit! Throughout its long and infamous history the Bank of England has been a tool of private banking interests mainly foreign at that, and without reform and proper democratic control is like leaving the fox in charge of the hen house!

    Sovereign interest-free money supply issued by the government of the nation for the benefit of the people of the nation is the right and duty of any truly nationalist government! Without control of a nation’s money supply no nation is sovereign, but under the control of private bankers!!!!!!

    • ( Party Member ) Well said Mark. Your comment is ' spot on ' with Nationalist Policy since the mid seventies. As true today as it was from then and totally ignored in this media controlled Country of ours.

  7. ( Party Member) The unemployment problem can not be solved whilst there is Mass Immigration. No economic system in the world could create the amount of jobs needed per day to stay level with the potential workforce created by MASS IMMIGRATION.

    • Exactly which is why when we first started to get a serious post-war unemployment problem in this country (one of the main reasons Ted Heath's Tory goverment was kicked out of office in February 1974 was because he had presided over what was then the highest post-war unemployment figure of one million plus and this was considered to be a national disgrace then!) immigration should have been halted virtually entirely and not allowed to undermine the fight against unemployment.. ONLY the most exceptionally highly-skilled people like nuclear scientists ect should be allowed to circumvent immigration controls and no one else. ANY British government of whatever party that TRUELY had ANY concern for the wellbeing of the British electorate would do this and of course we now that Tories, Labour and Lib Dems don't give a damm about the British people so this is why they don't do it!

  8. ( Party Official ) Congratulations to the Chancellor for returning the road tax money to a road account , back from the ‘ general fund ‘ where it was wasted on various other things like mass immigration. I have long advocated this on these pages as British Democratic Party Policy !

  9. ( Party Official ) Britain’s economic problems can not be solved whilst there is mass immigration. No economic system in the world could create the amount of jobs, housing and health services required , per day , to keep up with the new arrivals , per day , that Britain is experiencing !

  10. ( Party Official ) I hope readers enjoy the above, older article and comments. Having done so , I hope you will JOIN the British Democratic Party.

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