Video Clips of the Brit Dems 23.11.13 AGM

Here is part one of the AGM/Meeting held in the East Midlands on 23rd November 2013.



The other parts can be viewed on the: AGM page


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  1. (Party Member) I have just heard (8/12/2013) that members of our Parliament are to get an 11% pay rise. I cannot think of a better example of why I am a member of the BDP.

  2. A pay rise for having turned the former Great Britain into an economically depressed, lawless, Third World dump! If this is what they get for utter failure than what do they get for success?

  3. indigenous Brits have no say in our corrupt one-sided system,

  4. I just wonder how many members The Brit Dems have. For me I am becoming increasingly Nationalist. I admit that politics have not concerned me to any great degree during my lifetime. I am now 55. However I am becoming increasingly aware that our governments are weak and the traditional values of Britain are somehow being eroded away. When I actually stop and ask myself what Kind of Britain do I want to live in the answer is thus. I want immigration greatly reduced. I want faceless European politicians to stop interfering in our way of life. I want a strong Government with a clear direction and I want our traditional values to cease being weakened by mass immigration. Mainstream politicians talk about Britain being multi cultural. Well to be honest I feel that my culture is being stolen from me and I have had enough of it all.

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