The Internal and External Priorities of British Nationalism

By Andrew Moffat. In June 2009, two MEPs from the British National Party were elected to the European Parliament despite an unprecedented campaign of vilification, waged by the mass media.

With nearly one million votes to their credit, the BNP joined fellow nationalists from elsewhere in Europe and, in particular, from Belgium, Austria, France and Hungary.

By definition, nationalists are inspired by the same concerns, loyalties and interests that an individual displays towards his family.  In this respect, the family unit is a microcosm within the nation.

At its basest, the nation comprises many hundreds of thousands of families who share a common descent and, therefore, take pride in their common origins, values, culture, identity, history, heritage, language and religion.

It is not difficult to define a people. The Britannic people, for example, may be described as an indigenous community who are descended from the sundry northern European tribes and linguistic groups who sequentially settled in the islands known as the British Isles over 1000 years ago and who assimilated with each other to form the folk known as the British.

Three Key Policies

Given that the nation is the extension of the family, it follows that the primary duty of government is to protect and defend the collective interests of those who comprise the nation.   In Britain, therefore, nationalist priorities may be summarised in the three policies beneath, from which all secondary programmes are derived:

1. Opposition to multiculturalism, which has been imposed upon our people without any consent or consultation whatsoever and which, if it continues its course, will dispossess the British people from their own ancestral homeland within two generations.

2. The desire to withdraw Britain from the European Union, which is an expensive globalist potentate, lacking in democracy and imposed upon our people by  the documented conspiracy and sleight of hand of treacherous and deceitful politicians.

3. The belief that international finance and the globalist corporation are the servant of the people and not their master.

The European Union – a threat to Great Britain and her democracy

Britain’s long history of constitutional governance, democracy and rule of law is bound up in such great compacts between Monarch and people as may be found in the Magna Carta 1215, and the Declaration of Rights 1688 – both of which featured heavily in the construction of the American Constitution in the latter part of the 18th Century.

These and allied constitutional concepts embody the basic freedoms and rights of our people and provide a vital safeguard against the overweening power of government.

For example, habeas corpus ensures that no Briton may be arrested by the state without charge being brought within 48 hours.  In Court, there is then the assumption of innocence until the accused has either been pronounced guilty or released.  The verdict is determined not by the state but by a jury of fellow countrymen.

These and similar British liberties, such as the many checks and balances within the British Constitution, the right of free speech, the convention that no Parliament may bind its successor, the right of freedom of association and so on, are – to one degree or another – without recognition in the EU and are in grave jeopardy as a consequence of Britain’s membership of the European Union.

The EU – an Expensive Regulatory Union

Quite apart from the threat to our ancient freedoms and parliamentary democracy, the EU has imposed upon Britain an extraordinary cost, which may be conservatively estimated at between £50- £130bn per annum.

Our membership contributions of some GBP 16bn per annum, the loss of our fisheries, the cost of the EU’s agricultural policy and the expense of regulation to business have all placed a heavy burden upon our people and upon British business and commerce.  That is especially the case for small and medium sized enterprises, overburdened with the costs of compliance.

Reversing Subversion

Not least, our membership of the EU has driven a subversive rift – as it was always calculated to do – with the British diaspora overseas in the great Dominions of Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

It is our desire to repair these divisions and to return to a system of trade, which favours our kith and kin whose forebears so nobly shed their blood in defence of the home country, thousands of miles distant, in the two great conflicts of the 20th Century.

That Britain’s entry into the then ‘Common Market’ in 1973 was achieved by conspiracy and deceit may be confirmed simply by reference to the archives in Britain’s Public Record Office.   Two issues, in particular, pre-occupied Heath’s Conservative Government at the time.

First, the clearly understood objective embodied within the ‘European’ project, to which the Cabinet subscribed, was to achieve political and economic union, replete with a common defence policy.  The intention was to reduce the degree of freedom vested in national governments to “somewhat less than the autonomy enjoyed by the states of the USA”.

Second, the anxious desire of the Conservative Government to keep this hidden, for fear of alarming the British people.  Instead, the electorate was informed that the budding EU superstate was merely a common trading zone and that there was “no question of Britain losing essential sovereignty”.

A little over three decades later, we found that the worst fears of nationalist parties within the UK, who at the time presciently predicted and warned of the coming of this Orwellian EU superstate, had been realised.

It is almost amusing to note that many of those who today inhabit the ‘Euro-sceptic’ wing of the British political scene, have belatedly awoken to the true nature of the warnings that were voiced with such foresight by nationalists during the ‘70s.

The torrent of legislation that the EU’s authorities have imposed upon its member nations now comprises some 80% of all new legislation.  This legislation is initiated by unelected Commissioners and their civil servants in secret, none of whom may be dismissed by voters and who, for the most part, are invisible and certainly not answerable to any electorate.

The recent Lisbon Treaty, meanwhile, is akin to an enabling act which will facilitate further transfers of power and competence beyond the reach or protection of the EU’s member nations and without the consent of national electorates.

Both Labour and the CONservatives promised a referendum on the new Constitutional Treaty during their election campaigns in 2005.   Both failed to deliver their promise; the Lisbon Treaty received Royal Consent.

British nationalists believe that far from establishing harmony between the European peoples, the imposition of alien governance, taxation and regulation – enforced by censorship, political-correctness and the developing EU security services – will create a powder-keg of discontent.  Such are the consequences of those who refuse to learn the lessons of history and we need only refer to the break-up of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire to appreciate one such lesson.

British nationalists seek genuine friendship with all European nations and amicable trading agreements, particularly with the smaller countries.  But we will never consent to rule by any other than our own elected politicians, sitting in our own national parliament.

It is reasonable and proper that we should desire the same sovereign status that nations such as Norway and Switzerland enjoy in Europe – or Japan in Asia, for example.

Unidentified Influences behind the EU

Whilst British nationalists have generally regarded the EU as a stepping-stone to something infinitely more nefarious, it is instructive to identify at least one of the motivating influences that has operated – as ever – behind the scenes.

Thus, we need merely examine the source of the finance that appeared in support of the ‘Keep Britain In’ campaign during Britain’s only EU referendum in 1975, on what was then passed off as merely a ‘free trading bloc’.

Not only was this campaign endowed with funds over ten times larger than those of the ‘Get Britain Out’ alliance but the bulk of this funding originated from multi-national corporations such as IBM, Ford and Fiat and banking corporations such as Warburgs and Schroders.

It is within the interests of globalist big-business to support supranational government.  Their purpose is to maximise their profits, market share and influence, within harmonized trading blocs and without restriction from national parliaments and national laws.

Hence, therefore, our view that international capital should be the servant of the people and not its master.

The globalist system of governance and economics and those behind it, and allied to it, cannot achieve their international ambitions so long as nations maintain their ability to elect sovereign governments, charged with the responsibility of acting in the interests of their people.

Multiculturalism, the New World Order and Social Marxism

Today, contrary to the popular wisdom, communism has not disappeared as is popularly imagined.  It has merely evolved, while disguising itself beneath the internationalist capitalist cloak.  Thus, the social principles of Marx have endured but these have been married to the globalist ideals of the multicultural internationalists and the financial and globalist corporations.

Political-correctness is none other than cultural Marxism and it is promoted ardently in the EU, in the USA and by every Western government.

In effect, capitalism and communism may be likened to thesis and antithesis.  Today we are close to synthesis:  internationalist capitalist global economics but Marxist social subversion.

This brings us neatly to the issue of multiculturalism. Like the EU, it has also been imposed upon the host nations of the West, without any democratic legitimacy whatsoever.

Given that we – the present generation – are merely trustees of a great cultural heritage for future generations, our principle responsibility is to bequeath to our children their cultural heritage and ancient birthrights.

The multicultural agenda is the alpha and omega of the entire globalist/Marxist internationalist programme, of which the EU forms merely a part.  It is key to all that has occurred in the West in recent decades and it will be the chief driver of all that takes place in the remaining decades, until the West and its nation states have been extirpated beyond recovery and their peoples homogenised out of existence.

So long as the indigenous peoples of the West maintain their integrity and identity, the risk always remains that they will re-claim and re-assert their right to determine their affairs and, in so doing, reassert their sovereignty.

This, the globalists fear and they employ ‘multiculturalism’ as the principal weapon in their armoury to minimise this likelihood, of which history is replete with examples.   This is the reason millions of migrants are being settled in the West.

The common ties that bind a people together, expressed in terms of their culture, heritage, art forms, song, science, traditions and religion comprise the essence of what constitutes each of the nation states of the Western world and beyond.

Distinctive cultures come from distinctive peoples, not vice versa.

A balkanised Europe, whose populations consist of many differing, sometimes hostile alien cultures and ethnic elements, creates the division required to ensure that the nation state will – unless it takes steps to protect itself – self-destruct.

A multicultural people will ultimately produce a supranational population.  Those cultureless peoples, stripped of any meaningful heritage or identity, will not know where they are heading because they will not know from where they are descended.   Giant corporations, along with international celebrities – well promoted by the internationalist mass media – will provide their sole cultural co-ordinates within the globalist dispensation of the ‘New World Order’.   Nations will become regionalised and mere geographical locations.

Once this strategy has been identified, recognised and confronted, it will halt the entire globalist agenda and the ‘New World Order’ in its tracks, thereby saving the nation states of Europe, Christianity and Western civilisation from irreversible destruction and calamity.

In other words, end multiculturalism and the entire infernal, wicked globalist agenda will cease, in the same way that the legendary Dracula was expunged the instant a wooden stake was driven into his heart.

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  1. Great article, great website. Well done to all involved.

  2. I know I am three months late in reading this article,but it was worth the wait.

  3. Since this wonderful article, so praised in the comments above, we have formed the BRITISH DEMOCRATIC PARTY. As an ordinary member I recommend you apply for an information pack. This will include leaflets and policy documents. These will avoid the mistakes of the past. I JOINED STRAIGHT AWAY.

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