Rogue Capitalists are Primary Exploiters of Immigrant “Seasonal Workers”

“Rogue Capitalists” are the primary exploiters of immigrant seasonal workers because they can be paid below the minimum wage in sub-human conditions, Andrew Brons MEP said during a recent debate at the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).

Speaking on a proposed directive on seasonal workers, Mr Brons told his astonished leftist colleagues that it was also wrong to employ foreign workers in any European nation which had local high unemployment rates.

“It is self-evident that seasonal workers must not be paid below the minimum wage or under conditions that are sub-minimal and, in some cases, sub-human, enabling them to undercut local workers,” Mr Brons said.

“The condition of the Togo workers in Rosarno, which we visited last year, were truly appalling. Indeed ‘appalling’ is not an adequate word to describe them.

“However, we also heard, when we were there of local unemployed workers who were on local schemes and paid less than the minimum wage, although their conditions were not comparable with those of the workers from Togo,” he continued.

“The question remains of why seasonal workers are employed from distant countries, when all countries employing them have high rates of unemployment and rising rates of unemployment.

“Is it acceptable for local workers to be on government schemes and benefits, when seasonal workers, from far away, are employed in their stead?” Mr Brons asked.

“All migrant workers are vulnerable to being employed under sub-minimal conditions by rogue employers. They frequently do not know where they can complain.

“That is why rogue capitalists and their ever-willing apologists are so fond of immigration,” he said.

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  1. Well done Andrew. In my own humble opinion, this is another example of the exact kind of way in which we are going to make an intelligent and articulate headway in the future.
    I believe it is imperative that we take the moral high ground back to where it should be, which is of course on our side. We have to ‘show these people up’ and show their actions up for what they are and what effects they have. Things are often cyclic, and our opponents time has surely got to be over at some point, and we nationalists all across Europe need to install and usher in a new era that takes its place.
    They have enjoyed the luxury of purporting to have “feel good” politics for years, “progressing” on to “better times” and the voters have felt that they too have been doing the “good thing” and the “necessary things”, because people desire to feel good, they need to believe that righteousness is on their side, that they are helping to make things better for the right reasons – and of course for their own self interests and self ego too.
    As can be seen with this kind of stance which Andrew gave from a nationalist point of view, it is possible to undermine these people and throw their own platitudes and positions back in their face to hoist them on their own petard. They are the bad guys, they are the wreckers, they are the exploiters, the facilitator of misery and problems.
    We seem to have been failing to be seen do this for far too long, or we have going about it in too unsophisticated a manner as we play more to the existing gallery support base than cultivate a larger one. Keep up the good work Andrew (and team). I am glad you are here to keep me somewhat sane in these insane times.

  2. A classic example of this was in Jarrow a town that is very prominent in Socialist mythology because that is where the famous 1936 hunger march to London set off and is named after. Every schoolchild knows of The Jarrow March.
    When i was there 2 years ago there was a construction job underway of driving a tunnel under the River Tyne to Newcastle. The work was being carried but by a foreign construction company who had brought their own workers and were employing mainly Eastern European labour.
    I called in the pub nearby to talk to the locals. They told me Jarrow is a high unemployment area. Then why aren’t they employed on the construction? I asked. “Because we won’t do the dirty jobs” the landlady replied. This how working-class people have been trained to blame themselves.
    Obviously, many have been corrupted by the welfare state but that is only part of it. You can not just refuse to take jobs offered to you by the Job Centres without losing your benefits. What really happens is that foreign labour is imported into the country by agencies especially for companies to employ and these vacancies are never advertised in job centres so local workers never have the opportunity to take the jobs but this is not exposed in the media nor do MPs condemn as they do the odd welfare scrounger they delight in exposing.

  3. British Activism’s comment:
    “As can be seen with this kind of stance which Andrew gave from a nationalist point of view, it is possible to undermine these people and throw their own platitudes and positions back in their face to hoist them on their own petard. They are the bad guys, they are the wreckers, they are the exploiters, the facilitator of misery and problems.
    We seem to have been failing to be seen do this for far too long, or we have going about it in too unsophisticated a manner as we play more to the existing gallery support base than cultivate a larger one. Keep up the good work Andrew (and team). I am glad you are here to keep me somewhat sane in these insane times”.
    I’d second that!

    • We know that what is being done to our country and our people is evil, and that those who facilitate, condone or support that evil are themselves evil. That is something that we need to keep hammering home, that our country has fallen into the hands of evil men (even though their faces are bland and reasonable). Keep saying it and people will start to wonder.

      We, of course, make the grave mistake of conceding almost all of the battlefield to the enemy before battle is even joined – rather than condemn our enemies for their wickedness we apologise for our own attitudes, make excuses, try to pretend that we don’t really believe what we do believe. We tie ourselves in knots trying to prove that we are not “racist” when we should be saying that “if it’s racist to believe in a British Britain, then ok, I can live with that.” That way we will earn respect instead of the contempt which is too often our lot.

  4. +5, Mr. Brons … .

    Charity should ALWAYS begin @ Home .. ..

    any news of the collapsing Euro yet ??

    let it FAIL, as ot should NEVER have been “incubated”, in the first place, imo


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