Obama ‘The Wrong Side of History’ and Putin, Defender of the West

By Tim Haydon.



History has few more bizarre turns of events than the repositioning of the West and Russia.

At the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Russia / The Soviet Union was Marxist and the enemy of the pillars of Western Civilisation: The Nation, Capitalism, Christianity, the Family.  Now? The boot is on the other footNow, it is Russia which upholds the Nation, the Family, Tradition, Christianity and Capitalism of a nationalist sort. It is the West which is the Marxist enemy of all of these.  Who would have credited it during the Cold War?

‘The New Dark Ages are already Upon Us’

The West has been infiltrated and undermined by Frankfurt School Marxism. Its Nations are undergoing sustained attack by Globalising Capitalism, supranational bodies like the EU and multiracialism. Its Christianity is sneered at by its Cultural Marxist media and is being displaced by state policies of multiculturalism. The birth rate of the native British is declining to extinction point and the Family is disintegrating under the impact of a lunatic drive for ‘equality’ at all costs. This encourages women to put career before family.  It attempts to give the same esteem to unmarried lone parents living off the state as to other parents and to the travesty which is ‘homosexual marriage’ as to true marriage.  Anyone’s morality is claimed to be of equal worth to another’s , which means that there is no morality.  As the moral philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre  wrote in his highly important  book ‘ After Virtue’, “[T}he new dark ages [] are already upon us … This time however the barbarians are not waiting beyond the frontiers; they have already been governing us for quite some time. And it is our lack of consciousness of this that constitutes part of our predicament.”

Beyond our Frontiers Lie, not Barbarians, but the Defenders of our Civilisation

Beyond our frontiers lie, not barbarians out to take over European Christian Civilisation and destroy it in the process – they are firmly in the saddle here, but its defenders. Vladimir Putin is drawing up new lines in the Culture Wars. He is defining Russia as a traditional Christian country which defends it ethnic nationals against foreign domination and its economic interests against too-much Globalising tendency. He is setting up his country as the leader of an international bloc opposed to Western progressive degeneracy.

He said in a speech last December,

“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.”

Pat Buchanan, the America paleo conservative, who was a senior adviser to three American Presidents and was himself a Presidential candidate, says that Putin is ‘tapping into the worldwide revulsion of and resistance to the sewage of a hedonistic secular and social revolution coming out of the West’.

Such speeches of Putin are reminiscent of Pope John Paul II ’s  Evangelium Vitae in 1995 which condemned the moral crimes of the West’s “culture of death.” By this he meant the West’s capitulation to ‘a sexual revolution of easy divorce, rampant promiscuity, pornography, homosexuality, feminism, abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, assisted suicide — the displacement of Christian values by Hollywood values’.

Obama and ‘The Wrong Side of History’

There is a natural and necessary political map of the world’ – HG Wells. This natural map of mankind transcends artificial states and would see nations established on the basis of language, culture, creed, race and tribe.

How does Putin’s nationalistic annexation of the Crimea in order to rejoin its largely Russian population to the Motherland square with this positioning of Russia as a Christian bulwark? According to Obama, this move places Putin ‘on the wrong side of History’.

The Colossal Error of ‘Progressives’

This is the remark of a ‘Progressive’ member of the political classes, which is to say a believer in a utopian, marxoid, materialist perversion of the Christian doctrine of the coming Kingdom of God who thinks that affinities of shared ethnicity, religion and culture area all disappearing and ought to disappear into a kind of human minestrone soup: basically homogenised but with small lumps of differentiation here and there.  Progressives look back on the history of Western advance and make the colossal error of imagining that it was the inevitable result of fortuitous accident, rather than of the abilities of Western people inspired by Greek critical enquiry fused with Christianity.

Putin is closer to Ordinary People

Putin though is much closer to what really motivates ordinary people. The annexation of Crimea which had been handed to Ukraine as a gift by Kruschev (The story goes that he was drunk when he made the decision) with hardly a shot being fired compares very favourably with the self-righteous ‘progressive’ (Copyright T. Blair) war in Iraq (In excess of 100,000 Iraqui dead, hundreds of thousands of refugees) and ‘progressive’ interventions elsewhere such as in former Yugoslavia and Libya.

The turmoil in Syria where Putin successfully thwarted further ‘progressive’ interference is like Crimea another instance of unnatural borders imposed on people by their political class overlords. Here these borders were drawn up by the British and the French under the secret 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement. The blood shed since is the result.  There is a lesson here for the European Union.

The Russian Orthodox Church defends Ethnic Sentiment

Concern for ethnic brothers is welcomed by the Russian Orthodox Church. Thus the Millennium Declaration of ‘The Basis of the Social Concept’ of the Russia Orthodox Church:

‘’II. 3. Christian patriotism may be expressed at the same time with regard to a nation as an ethnic community and as a community of its citizens. The Orthodox Christian is called to love his fatherland, which has a territorial dimension, and his brothers by blood who live everywhere in the world. This love is one of the ways of fulfilling God’s commandment of love to one’s neighbour which includes love to one’s family, fellow-tribesmen and fellow-citizens.’’

Russia, the Defender of the Family

The World Council of Families based in the USA  has pinpointed  Russia as emerging as the world’s leading defender of the role of the traditional Family. It put this development at the top of its list of ‘the ten best trends’ of 2013.

Allan Carlson of the World Council wrote, “While the other super-powers march to a pagan world-view, “Russia is defending Judeo-Christian values. During the Soviet era, Western communists flocked to Moscow. This year, World Congress of Families VII will be held in Moscow, Sept. 10-12.”

In 2013, the Kremlin imposed a ban on homosexual propaganda, a ban on abortion advertising, a ban on abortions after 12 weeks and a ban on sacrilegious insults to religious believers. This last brings to mind the imprisonment of the ‘Pussy Riot’ group who were imprisoned after lasciviously gyrating at the altar of Moscow’s Cathedral of  Christ the Saviour but  who were treated pretty much as martyrs by  the BBC and elsewhere in the ‘progressive’ media in the West.

Putin – Our Defender

Putin is hardly an ideal leader.  He is an extremely ruthless man who appears not to have lost the habits of mind and some of the methods of the KGB in which he was once an officer.  From a nationalist perspective, he appears to be altogether too relaxed about Islamic immigration into Mother Russia (The Russian Federation includes Islamic areas) although this might be for the present a necessary façade.  But in positioning Russia as the leader of an anti- West bloc he is as he has said, preventing ‘’movement backward and downward, into chaotic darkness and a return to a primitive state.”

May he succeed.



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  1. What a thought provoking article ought to be required reading for every citizen in this Country. I especially like the following paragraph
    The Russian Orthodox Church defends Ethnic Sentiment.

    Concern for ethnic brothers is welcomed by the Russian Orthodox Church. Thus the Millennium Declaration of ‘The Basis of the Social Concept’ of the Russian Orthodox Church:

    ‘’II. 3. Christian patriotism may be expressed at the same time with regard to a nation as an ethnic community and as a community of its citizens. The Orthodox Christian is called to love his fatherland, which has a territorial dimension, and his brothers by blood who live everywhere in the world. This love is one of the ways of fulfilling God’s commandment of love to one’s neighbour which includes love to one’s family, fellow-tribesmen and fellow-citizens.’’
    If only we had a Christian voice in this Country that preached such common sense.
    Only this week whilst on a shopping trip into Wakefield town centre I visited the Cathedral it is a beautiful building and whilst I hold no religious views I have to say I marvel at the sheer beauty of Churches and alike. Having entered I was greeted by the sight of dozens of Asian men and women in a variety of dress including headscarves this in itself is sickening enough but what really annoyed me was that the males being shown around did not even have the decency or respect to remove their hats .I can only assume I was witnessing on one of these so called inter-faith initiatives so popular with the brainwashed Christian church today..

  2. (Party Member) A fantastic article that clearly and accurately defines current international events and the motives of the people involved in them. Also the true soul of our party defined as well !

  3. A very good article, which reflects the views of many in America as well as in England. It is become obvious that our own political elite is the real enemy.

  4. As this article makes clear Putin is both intellectually and morally head and shoulders above Obama. It is also encouraging that a growing number of good decent Americans are waking up to the fact that their country has been taken over by the ZioCons and that the latter represent the greatest threat to democracy and world peace bar none. Unfortunately we here in Britain do not have a Putin merely Obama-like clones – or should that be clowns?

  5. I really don’t think we should be seen to endorse President Putin. Putin is a very autocratic dictator who has several policies with unjustified persecution of various groups at the heart of them. His country (or the Soviet Union as it then was) was partially responsible for WW2 breaking-out along with Nazi Germany. Britain should shun Russia whilst it has people like Putin in control of it. Also, I hold no brief for President Obama who seems to have a bit of a chip on his shoulder (possibly related to his family history) with regard to Great Britain. That being said, at least Obama is a democrat compared to Putin.

  6. If there is one country on earth at present that deserves to be shunned then it is the US. No other country has such a terrible recent record of international violations of both sovereign and human rights. The US is the problem, not Russia. As for Obama being a democrat, well what can I say other than to point out that he is the stooge of those who really run the US – the very same people and interests who have turned the US from a force for good into the international aggressor it is today..

  7. Let’s just hope the Americans and British throw out the likes of Cameron and Obama soon.

  8. An excellent article indeed. The West is rightly portrayed as decadent. Who can doubt it, same sex marriages now legal, homosexuals rife in Parliament and the media, particularly the BBC.
    The US has never been in touch with foreign affairs, 84% of Americans never leave the US in their lifetime. Barak Hussein Obama and his pushy wife have been named by ex Whitehouse staff as being anti white , pro black racists. US foreign policy is dictated by Wall St. Big American business needs a war for profit and is why we have seen Obama and Kerry trying to persuade the EU and NATO to invade Syria and the Crimea. Fortunately the US and UK public showed a strong opposition to this madness and events did not proceed. People power at it’s best in fact.
    No, the US can no longer be trusted as an ally, British interest is better served out of the EU and forging closer ties with Russia.

    • I must say I agree with Roger. The Ukraine crisis has clearly been manufactured by the US and my sympathies are entirely with Russia. Putin is a guy I can relate to, Obama isn’t. Funny thing is no few Americans share my sentiments and deplore US foreign policy, a policy that is increasingly isolating them in the world.

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