Multiracialism – Time to Take Stock

By Hogarth. To most indigenous Britons, the recent riots should have come as no surprise. They were bound to occur because multiracial societies are fundamentally unstable.

They will occur again. As the population of Britain becomes increasingly multiracial, they will also occur in increasing frequency and scale. This is what happens in multiracial societies. Certain ethnic elements are riot-prone, rampage-prone and plunder-prone.

Some years ago, a Japanese Minister was asked why Japan did not emulate Western countries and encourage immigration with a view to combating the demographic problem of aging. He simply justified the Japanese approach by stating that his country did not wish to duplicate the cultural problems multiracialism had caused to the UK and USA.

A previous Japanese Prime Minister referred to Japan as a “homogeneous nation” with “one ethnicity, one state and one language”. He further claimed that the “intellectual level” of Americans was below that of the Japanese because of the presence of certain population types within America, to which it would be superfluous to allude here.

In Japan, the legal authorities often explain that their low crime figures are a consequence of a mono-racial society.

In the UK, by contrast, the multiracial society has caused a tsunami of crime. So horrendous are the figures for certain ethnic elements that they are carefully censored.

The incidence of drug-dealing, knife crime, gun crime, mugging, street theft and similar activities amongst one particular ethnic group, for example, far exceeds their numbers as a proportion of the population. As long ago as 1971, police figures revealed that 80% of muggings in inner London were carried out by this group.

The indigenous British population has never been consulted about the imposition of the multiracial society which, in due course, will dispossess indigenous Britons from their own ancestral homeland, without any consent whatsoever.

Westminster MPs, meanwhile, preach the enrichment of multiculturalism but escape to live in the leafier mono-ethnic suburbs of the big cities or in the countryside, in properties that are too expensive for their constituents to afford. In so doing, they avail themselves of peaceful and stable communities, better schools for their children and cleaner and safer environs.

This two-tier society – which is one of double standards, sometimes known as Orwellian ‘double think’ – extends, in particular, to many of the well paid directors and employees of the politically-correct BBC.

Listening to the BBC’s radio reports, it is impossible to discern any reference to the ethnic origin of the rioters and looters. Were these elements Scots, Welsh, Irish, Germans? Could they have been from Israel or China? Were they representative of the general London population?

We know the answer to that from the film footage or the photographic reports of newspapers. This essential information is neither discussed nor debated by the BBC. Instead, it has sought to censor the facts and select the news, in line with the type of society its personnel have subversively promoted.

The politicised forces of law and order have become little more than an adjunct of the social services. Many police units watched whilst looters carried out wanton acts of destruction and widespread looting and theft. Compare that to their unnecessary and violent use of force against a peaceful protest by the Countryside Alliance in Parliament Square some few years ago, when law abiding country folk, dressed in ties and tweeds were charged, bloodied and assaulted by police thugs, viciously wielding batons.

Clearly, it is one law for the host community and another for the new settlers.

The same applies when it comes to taxpayers’ funding, so generously disbursed by our ‘representatives’. Peckham is a case in point: in recent years it has benefited from 2000 new homes, a new leisure centre, an award winning library, a new sports’ centre and £290m in regeneration. There is scant chance of similar construction and expenditure being disbursed in places like Penzance, the ex-mining communities of Wales, the NW or NE, where poverty is amongst the worst in the UK but where the population remains ethnically British.

Many of these events were well forecast by the famous politician, the late and lamented Enoch Powell MP, in a speech he delivered in 1968, abridged below.

EP: “In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”

Over 40 years later, prejudicial reporting, reverse discrimination, race relations legislation, lenient and favoured status policing – for fear of inflaming the sensitivities of non-native religions and ethnic groups – the erosion of freedom of association and carefully targeted public spending, all attest to the accuracy of that statement.

EP: “In 15 or 20 years, on present trends, there will be in this country three and a half million Commonwealth immigrants and their descendants. That is not my figure. That is the official figure given to parliament by the spokesman of the Registrar General’s Office. There is no comparable official figure for the year 2000, but it must be in the region of five to seven million, approximately one-tenth of the whole population, and approaching that of Greater London. Whole areas, towns and parts of towns across England will be occupied by sections of the immigrant and immigrant-descended population.”

Mr Powell urged prompt action to avoid the need to address worse difficulties in later years. In the same way, today, we must take prompt action to avoid an irreversible calamity in future years.

EP: “…Extreme urgency of action now, of just that kind of action which is hardest for politicians to take, action where the difficulties lie in the present but the evils to be prevented or minimised lie several parliaments ahead.”

The position, then, was relatively benign compared to the position we face today:

EP: “…as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.”

He then refers to the real victims of discrimination, who have had imposed upon them the multiracial society and the requirements of the first Race Relations Act:

EP: “The discrimination and the deprivation, the sense of alarm and of resentment, lies not with the immigrant population but with those among whom they have come and are still coming.

“They found their wives unable to obtain hospital beds in childbirth, their children unable to obtain school places, their homes and neighbourhoods changed beyond recognition, their plans and prospects for the future defeated; at work they found that employers hesitated to apply to the immigrant worker the standards of discipline and competence required of the native-born worker; they began to hear, as time went by, more and more voices which told them that they were now the unwanted.

They now learn that a one way privilege is to be established by act of parliament; a law which cannot, and is not intended to, operate to protect them or redress their grievances is to be enacted to give the stranger, the disgruntled and the agent-provocateur the power to pillory them for their private actions.”

Prophetically, he then states:

EP: “As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see “the River Tiber foaming with much blood”. That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect.”

Despite the overwhelming support of the general public, the warnings of the Rt Hon Enoch Powell were ignored by the media, the BBC and Westminster.

Forty-three years later, our country is entering into what may be the final volume of its long and dignified history.

More generally, in the West, there is a clash of cultures and the final stages of a decline of Western civilisation.

Demographic change and the dependence of an increasing number of wealth absorbers on a diminishing number of wealth creators will create turmoil on a scale unknown since the sack of Rome in 410AD.

As the latest riots demonstrate, the threat to Britain, our culture, heritage and identity – and, indeed, to Western civilisation – is far greater than organisations such as the EDL, the Wilders movement in Holland and similar organisations elsewhere suggest, by their restricted focus on Islam.

Distinctive cultures come from distinctive peoples. Such a self-evident truism can only be evaded by deliberation and cowardice.

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  1. In the ancient tongues the words ‘race’, ‘nation’ and ‘ethnic’ were all synonymns and denoted a group of people descended from a common progenitor, such as, the “children of Israel/Jacob”, the descendents of Esau/Edom”.

    The word ‘race’ means ‘to beget’; and the Latin word ‘nation’ has come to mean the equivalent of the Greek word ‘ethnos’ which means kin or common descent.

    At the heart of nationality is genealogy.

    That is what it is all about. People are naturally drawn to those of their own kin/kind; and that is the problem with the multi-national ‘society’ – it is a polyglot of societies.

    It would help immensely if the Bishops and Supervisory Ministers of the two established Churches would bring these truths out and these points to bear.

    God’s solution in Genesis 10 was to separate the nations, each into its own society and in their own countries throughout the Earth, not in England!

  2. Enoch Powell complained about the influx of 50,000 immigrants.
    Last year Britain received at the very least 700,000 immigrants.That’s over 12 times as many.
    Sadly his warnings had no effect at all.

  3. TheBNPrenaissance

    May I quote the Russian senator Mikhail Margelov from his speech on wednesday regarding the failed policies of multi-culturalism in western Europe…

    “I think the events occurring in the English cities have at least two reasons. One is fundamental: it’s the death of multiculturalism, a eulogy which the heads of Germany, France and Great Britain have recently delivered. The value of tolerance, or in other words the value of difference, has been accepted neither by ‘indigenous’ Europeans nor by immigrants,” Margelov said. “The two sides merely tolerate each other. And patience is the kind of thing that runs out from time to time.”

    “the foolishness with which Europe regards its historical past has led to the filling of its cities with migrants from the former ‘Third World,’ many of whom do not give a damn about not only European values, but simply about the rules of conduct on the streets of Paris, Brussels, London, and Cologne.”

    The common “myth of responsibility” in Europe toward third world countries and their migrants does not promote tolerance, as Europeans have to work both for themselves for those from the third world, who may “not give a damn” about European values and laws.

    “The Myth of responsibility compels European governments to put migrants on social allowances, but it does not promote tolerance. The French, Belgians and English should work not only for themselves but also for a guy who came from the third world with children and household,”.

  4. This article would make a great leaflet for those districts of Britain that are inclined to read the Telegraph or Times, rather than the Sun or Sport. But as the party nearly always sets out to appeal to the lowest strata of society – particularly those gullible when it comes to parting with their money – then there isn’t the slightest chance of the party producing anything remotely intelligent. Meanwhile the dumbing down of the BNP continues apace under the Griffin gang as the recent anti-riot “literature” demonstrates.

  5. Is Griffin trying deliberately to humiliate us? His latest leaflet in answer to the illiterate yobs ransacking cities is an illiterate leaflet of a white lady stripped of her clothing and the following caption:

    “Black gangs humiliate and terrorise this victim by stripping them of their clothing and dignity”

    No Griffin, “Black gangs humiliate and terrorise this victim by stripping them of HER clothing and dignity.”

    Is this a deliberate slash and burn policy?

  6. An excellent and well-written report on the consequences of creating a multiracial ssociety.
    As is often the case, the first quote Hogarth gives us from Enoch Powell’s prophetic speech was not his own words.
    When Powell said “In this country in 15 or 20 years time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man”, he was reading out a letter from one of his Wolverhampton constituents.
    This was clearly shown on the TV coverage of Poweel’s speech at the time.

  7. The problem seems to be that our People have been thoroughly re-educated and have little or no sense of ethnic identity and by extension ethnic group interests: they are deracinated.

    However, they have a strong sense of their financial self-interest. As the economy stalls; the currency continues to lose purchasing power thanks to “queasing” (debasing pounds Sterling); the cost of food and energy grind relentlessly upwards; the tax burden weighs more and more heavily; and, State sector jobs are lost due to the beginnings of the hollowing out of the State; it will be by highlighting the unbearable cost of policing/enforcing this failed piece of evil social engineering that we may really begin to win over a broader demographic.

  8. Hogarth, I must congratulate you on a brilliantly-written factual article which “tells it as it is”. I only hope that people other than nationalists will also read it whilst snooping on the site, and realise the immense truth you are detailing, together with the unthinkable consequences of allowing the situation you describe to continue unchecked.

  9. Russian senator blames failure of multiculturalism for UK riots
    Topic: England’s summer of discontent
    MOSCOW, August 10 (RIA Novosti)

    “The death of multicultural society and the economic crisis are to blame for the riots that have convulsed London and other British cities this week, head of the Russian upper house’s international affairs committee Mikhail Margelov said on Wednesday.

    “I think the events occurring in the English cities have at least two reasons. One is fundamental: it’s the death of multiculturalism, a eulogy which the heads of Germany, France and Great Britain have recently delivered. The value of tolerance, or in other words the value of difference, has been accepted neither by ‘indigenous’ Europeans nor by immigrants,” Margelov said. “The two sides merely tolerate each other. And patience is the kind of thing that runs out from time to time.”

    Over 1,000 people have been arrested, and at least four killed, in the violence which began in the British capital’s northern district of Tottenham on Saturday, following the fatal shooting of a young man by police. On Sunday and Monday, it spread to other areas in London and Birmingham and Bristol, and then to other cities.

    Margelov said, “the foolishness with which Europe regards its historical past has led to the filling of its cities with migrants from the former ‘Third World,’ many of whom do not give a damn about not only European values, but simply about the rules of conduct on the streets of Paris, Brussels, London, and Cologne.”

    The common “myth of responsibility” in Europe toward third world countries and their migrants does not promote tolerance, Margelov said, as Europeans have to work both for themselves for those from the third world, who may “not give a damn” about European values and laws.

    “The Myth of responsibility compels European governments to put migrants on social allowances, but it does not promote tolerance. The French, Belgians and English should work not only for themselves but also for a guy who came from the third world with children and household,” the senator said.

    Margelov cited the economic recession as one more reason for the riots.

    “The economic crisis bedeviling the economy of the West in its fourth year, with no end in sight, is one of the causes of the events in British cities,” Margelov said.

    Margelov claimed migrants will not easily give up the social benefits they have in Europe.
    “Migrants will not be easily taken away from the European social ‘freebie’ and sent back home,” Margelov said. “Therefore, there is no escape from the riots there, even if the present British Cabinet resigns, which is problematic, by the way.”

  10. Too many people in this country have no respect for this nations, its people, traditions, heritage and culture.
    and that’s just our treasonous politicians.

  11. The establishment must be delighted to see whites involved in this rioting, as clearly we are beginning to only see pictures of white criminals who of course deserve to be inside, and less pictures of blacks.
    I note that the clean up teams are majority and almost exclusively white, it must be true as I saw the photo in the Guardian! yet we see blacks being interviewed.
    It’s interesting to read the publics comments to the liberal commentators stories in most dailies about white people being extreme trying to protect their communities mentioning the BNP and EDL for good measure. I think this has gone down badly with the public, as I suspect that the penny is dropping that blacks Asians and whites are being openly treated differently by the media as a comparison is easy to see in this instance.
    People are not taking kindly to whites being subjected to this discrimination whilst other groups are being treated as heroes.
    Our self loathing white political class cannot see the hypocrysy of their discrimination as it is now so absurd as to be almost ( if it weren’t so sick and dangerous) comical.
    It is now patently clear to all but the wilfully blind and marxists that our political class are very sick indeed.
    By the way this site is better than the BNP’s by some margin and it’s openness about the issues of our present leadership has been a breath of fresh air.
    I only hope that our party has a decent leader in Andrew Brons soon whilst the iron is still hot.

  12. I’ve noticed everything Jerry Owen mentioned above too. I guess we all have. Lets hope the rest of the public are wise to it too. I think they must be. BBC bias is demonstrated in the percentage of their news readers who are black despite the fact that the black population achieves little academically. I think the BBC expects us to believe that blacks have developed some inate genetic ability to read the news and present children’s tv programmes or something.

    The 68 year old white man who is critical in hospital following enrichment by a gang of blacks hasn’t been highlighted by the news so far, and I haven’t seen whites rioting as a consequence of this attack on one of us.

    The BBC seems to be all in favour of the Turks and Asians defending themselves, but when whites do it we are called ‘far right’. Its a dangerous game the media is playing.

    I see nationalism as a way of postponing and limiting the ineviteable inter ethnic bloodbath we are heading towards. If you want race war soon then vote Labour

    • Manxman, I agree with you 100%. I think when Nationalism gets organised and under way once more, we need to make more of the image & slogan “Britain’s Broken Society – Nationalism is the CURE, not the Cause!”

  13. Now is the time for patriots to demand Zero Tolerance as the policy to stop the third world and feral gangsters from taking over the UK.It worked in NY City.Perhaps the Camoron in charge might utilize this comment as a good sound bite to balance his “we’re all in this together” comment.

  14. The only thing we an do is remove them. Look at the humiliation we face in front of the world?
    During the 1981 riots. Politicians and media tried to pretend it was not a Black riot but a “Youth” riot because Whites were involved.
    Enoch explained that when it comes to race logic goes out the window. He said the way to assess who were the cause was analysis like in medical science when trying to discover the cause of an epidemic. Look for the common denominator. The common denominator is that the riots take place in Black areas. As for fantasising it is my belief that we work towards
    becoming strong and then deport these troublesome and violent people.
    They do not belong here and they behave like this everywhere they are. The real comparison is with their behaviour in,say, Jamaica and Somalia.

  15. In the state of Victoria in Australia, one third of the population is either born abroad or first generation immigrant. The place is a total disaster.

  16. As I said on this post on August 11th that a good soundbite for our illustrious leader would be “Zero Tolerance” and sure enough two days later he uses it in his Sunday DT article.Glad he listens and follows through. Now I hope he implements more patriotic policies such as “Keep Britain British”,”Stop Foreign give-away aid”and ” Britain our own-folk first”

  17. Whilst visiting a shop in Edinburgh during the summer,a shop assistant asked me when I was heading back to England?to which I replied in a few days time,”god help you” he said,I then assured him that it still is’t quite as enriched where I am from but it is heading that way.

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