Loughborough South County Council Election Campaign

Kevan Stafford

British Democrat Candidate

Loughborough South division County Council election, Leicestershire,

4th May 2017




The Loughborough South division County Council election is being contested by the British Democrats on 4 May this year. The electoral division is located in Loughborough, Leicestershire, and is the area where I was brought up from age three to the age of eleven. I now live in the adjoining Loughborough East division, situated just across the road from Loughborough South.

We are a genuinely democratic and sensible centrist party that reflects the views of many, possibly the majority, of British people. We also stand for the ethical and wholesome concepts of conservation, global diversity, sustainability and social cohesion. The British Democrats are not yet at the forefront of British politics but we are striving to move the party forward towards the breakthrough that we believe is due and deserved!  To this end, we entered the Loughborough (South) County Council election in order to keep the party in the focus of the electorate and to gauge how our policies are being received in local elections.


A small team of party members commenced delivering our A4 size warm-up leaflet to the 5,500 homes in the electoral area, or County Council division, in late February and completed the task by early March. We started delivering the main A3 size leaflet at the end of March and finished by early April, a few days before postal ballots were due to arrive on doormats on 13 April.

We have started delivering a third A5 size leaflet, which will take about 2 weeks, to act as a reminder to electors to actually go out and vote, if they have not already sent off postal votes. About a third of voters are issued with postal votes at their request. The other parties standing in this division are Labour, Conservatives, Lib Dems, UKIP and the Green Party. At this point in time only a Conservative leaflet has been seen, although labour may well be posting out election letters or leaflets directly to known supporters identified by canvassing. With almost three weeks to polling day on 4th May, there is still time for other parties to issue last minute election messages.

The County Council division is large, comprising two adjoining Borough Council wards joined together. The printing of such a large number of leaflets has not been without significant cost and any financial help you can provide will be very gratefully received. Our Leafleters are all volunteers, willing to put in hours of slogging, to deliver a total of sixteen and a half thousand leaflets before polling day. Please help us to help you and your families in the fight we wage to protect and preserve our country and our people. Thank you.



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  1. Loughborough is quite some distance from me. Can you tell me where Brit Dems are standing in the Bristol area please?

    • I think it would be useful to know, perhaps on a regional basis, where the Brit Dems are standing so that people like myself can offer some local help with the leafleting.

      • I think it is fair to say Dave that the Party will have Kevan and perhaps a couple of candidates at most.We all are accepting of the fact that we are a tiny Party with few members and even fewer resources.This Election will centre on UKIP as the ” Patriotic Party” we know this is bull and I predict that UKIP will be all but wiped out as there supporters revert to voting Tory.The likes of Arron Banks are already hovering waiting to feed on UKIPs carcase and have announced that after the Election they are going to form a “Patriotic Party” Farage has given his support to this.Our only hope is to have a Party ready in place to capitalise on the UKIP collapse as I do not think the Banks Party will last long to many big ego,s.

        • After four or five years the BDP has not only not made progress and has actually gone backwards, not having anything like the number of members it started out with. Perhaps the Banks party will be what we need.

          • John Shaw ( Party Member ) The British Democratic Party was formed by disgruntled B.N.P. Members who were dismayed at the way the Party was run. Also and far more importantly , we realised that if a Party’s name ‘ was mud ‘ , as the saying goes , then even when people agree , they still won’t vote for it ! Various ‘ own goals plus a media campaign of SHEER HATRED , had destroyed the B.N.P. as a political force that actually received votes. OUR NAME IS GOOD and we ARE THE FUTURE OF NATIONALISM. Only a few years ago , UKIP got a handful of votes in council wards and very poor , deposit losing , votes for M.P.’S . Just look how well they have done since. This shows what can be done and with our new hard hitting presentation , we WILL SUCCEED !

          • At risk of once again being labelled “not a friend” I wish to endorse George’s comment. I travelled up from the West to Leics for both meetings that led to the split from the BNP and the creation of the Brit Dems. At the time, with the calibre of people backing the party, it appeared the future could be rosy for honest nationalism. Alas, that has clearly not been the case. I too am disappointed – not so much by the failure of the party to make any headway – but by the abysmal non-performance of those entrusted to build this party. I would very much welcome an explanation from any one of these officials as to what the hell is going on and why the XXXX they don’t get off their collective posteriors to do the job they volunteered or were elected to do. I don’t suppose for a second that any one of them will, at least not on past form. In my opinion this collection of office holders represents the worst leadership team in the history of British nationalism – Kavanagh’s short-lived and ineffectual Constitutional Movement included. Sorry to be so negative John, but there is a clear cause and effect relationship between the abject performance of the “leadership” and the abject performance of the party. Out of interest, and not just my interest either, perhaps you would be so kind as elicit from these people what they have actually done over the last twelve months or so, because, as far as I can see it has been XXXX all.

          • Dear Mr Williams, I agree you are clearly not a ‘friend’ or even a SUPPORTER of this party. You say you travelled to Leicester for both meetings, that may be so but you never offered any support or joined the Party at those meetings or since. What do you now expect? others to put their heads on the line, do all the hard work involved in establishing a viable nationalist political party, while you sit back on your lazy butt and do nothing but criticise. If you are not prepared to support the party or become a member then your criticism and the disappointment you now express are nothing more than empty words from a professional keyboard warrior – perhaps ‘professional’ is going too far!

    • I live in Essex are there any standing in Havering I could happily stand

  2. Well done Kevan and if there was a prize for persistance you would get it ! congrats to all of your team as well, I hope on polling day you are all pleasantly surprised.

  3. Yesterday, Saturday 22nd April, myself as candidate and three stalwart party members delivered 1,130 further leaflets in the Loughborough South division, for the Leicestershire County Council election due to take place on Thursday 4th May. This was in addition to 1,101 leaflets delivered in the previous two days, so we are well on our way to meeting the target of 5,500 to be delivered before polling day. This is the third leaflet we have delivered in this election campaign: an A4 size warm-up leaflet, followed by an A3 size main leaflet, rounded off with our latest A5 size “reminder to vote” card. A big “Thank You” to those who were able to come out and help with leafleting, it was much appreciated. The rival parties in this Loughborough South election are Labour, which won the contest four years ago, conservatives, Lib Dems, UKIP and Greens. Last time there had been no UKIP candidate, and I came third for the British Democrats, ahead of Lib Dems and a trade union candidate.

  4. I wish all British Democrats Candidates the best and tear the heart out of the Lib-Lab-Con-Green-SNP scum Our Party must take over the Governance of Great Britain

  5. It takes courage to stand for a genuine patriotic party in this day and age, well done to Kevan Stafford!

  6. John Shaw ( Party Official ) Yes , a very determined effort.

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