Immigration—Now It’s the Elderly Who Are Expected to Pay the Price

By Richard Barnbrook. An shock report issued by the newly formed, left-wing pressure group, Intergenerational Foundation, is out to make war on one of society’s softest targets: the elderly.

In their unashamedly ageist attack on senior citizens, whom they consider to be fair game, the Foundation, launched by Labour’s Tessa Jowell, has issued a report that is blatantly draconian and hostile to the interests and well-being of the elderly- all in the name of ’fairness’, of course.

The proposal is that because of the current housing shortage, older people should be taxed out of their family homes in order to make room for younger families.

On the surface this might seem to be a sensible suggestion, but when seen in the light of the fact of the net figure of over a quarter of a million immigrants entering the country last year, the implications become far more sinister.

As I have been saying for a long time, large numbers of newcomers need to be both serviced and accommodated somewhere- because it’s a fact of life that you can’t squeeze a quart into a pint pot. (And I make no apologies for using imperial measurement!) So, where shall we put them all?

Where indeed! According to the Intergenerational Foundation, the answer’s quite simple- turf out all those lonely oldies living in three bedroom houses and push them into accommodation that is ‘more suited to their needs,’ to make way for younger families! So much for the age-old saying ‘an Englishman’s home is his castle’!

When, oh when will the British public wake up? How much longer will they be prepared to sit back and watch their birthright being stolen before their eyes?

Our national sovereignty has been hijacked by Brussels so that we can’t even make our own laws any more. Our politicians ignore our wishes, even though we elected them to represent our interests.

Our children are being sold short in the education system, health tourists from abroad exploit our already over-stretched NHS, and our own people can’t get jobs, which are being given to foreign nationals.

And now, senior members of society, who deserve respect and the dignity of some space in their declining years, having worked all their lives to earn it, are blatantly being told to move over because they are in the way!

Even to make such a pointed and offensive suggestion is indicative of how far some politicians are prepared to go in this full-scale attack on the interests of the people of this country.

The only comfort that I can draw from this disgusting and shameful attack on the elderly is the fact that Tessa Jowell herself is clearly no spring-chicken!

In the not too distant future, she may live to rue the day that she affiliated herself with such a barbarous bunch of ageist bigots!

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  1. I have to disagree when you state than on the surface making the elderly give up their homes for the younger is a good idea. It isn’t a good or fair idea at all. I first read about this ‘soviet group’ a month ago and couldn’t quite believe that the story is silent in the media except for you now raising it, well done.
    Our home is the one thing we have after a lifetime of toil and the end of mortgages payments are timed to coincide with retirement more or less. What is the modest dream of most working people? It is to enjoy the fruits of their labour, enjoy their home and space within it. It is a right not a privilege, it has been paid for in advance.
    There is however a dark sinister side to this ‘soviet group’. We are well aware that the break up of the nuclear family is a marxist goal, and one further way to achieve this end as many parents live away from their children is to make it so that children or grand children cannot keep and reinforce a family bond across the generation gap, by making it physically impossible for these generations to live together at weekends and holidays. Divide and rule.
    This isn’t about space at all it is about the destruction of the family. Who is it that the establishment loathe? it is the older generations that remember what decent society and values are, so break the bond between the old and young whom they need to indoctrinate, this is what this is all about.

  2. Well said Jerry. Somewhere along the line we are going to need another ideas conference to formulate ideas in how to sell our message once Griffin is gone. It is no good preaching to the converted, we have to sell our ideas to the populace and we need new tactics.

  3. Well this an attack on the rights of property; and an attack on the rights of one person’s porperty, like the attack on one person’s freedom of speech, is an attack on all!

    It is also Lebensraum.

    The Third Reich sought after living room in parts of Poland; under the Lib-Lab-Con the Third World is seeking living room here. What is the difference?

  4. As far as I’m aware, it’s senior citizen council tenants only that are likely to be affected by such policies.

    It shall equally be interesting to learn eventually whether such rulings will apply to non-White senior citizens also .

  5. However ‘inequitable’ it might seem (I avoid the usage ‘unfair’), we all must realise that private property is just that – private property, and therefore it is solely at the wish of the proprietor to use as ever he or she sees fit.
    I would not object to a voluntary stae scheme to ‘buy-out’ elderly proprietors at full market rates, with their consent.However, I fear there is a slippery slope here, and the unethical use of tax policy forcing owners to sell-up.This is completely unacceptable for a free society based on laws and ethics – and must be fought tooth and nail.In fact it is the first and most obvious hallmark of communism>it is precisely what Stalin did to the kulaks.

  6. This is just another retoric, smoke screen to make it look as though M.P.s are doing something; instead of really tackling the source of the problem. Its like a boil, put a plaster on it, if it spreads, put a larger plaster on it, if it gets even larger then put a larger plaster on it; no plaster will solve the propblem only hide it. We must lance ther boil by reducing the need for extra housing by reducing the population..

  7. In 1997 I warned my elderly neighbours that Labour were about to bring millions of immigrants in & dump them on the welfare state. This could only be financed in the long term if our pensioners could be pushed aside. Take their homes, their healthcare & their benefits give them to third world spongers & let the old wither & die. This is the unfolding nightmare which the babyboomers will also shortly face.

  8. As pensioner myself, I believe there is an increasing relevence to making extensive efforts to win-over the “grey-vote” to the Nationalist cause. The basic principle of judo is to be a lever which turns an opponent’s strength against them. That’s what we need to do in this case, when we are up-and-running as a new party. This suggestion of taxing pensioners out of their homes would provide immense political ammunition for gaining the “grey-vote”.

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