by Mike Newland
George Osborne is relying on rising immigration numbers to reach his fiscal target of a budget surplus by the end of the decade, according to a Guardian analysis of official data
Someone recently said to me that although Cameron was useless – putting things in the most charitable manner – hope was on the horizon with the next Tory leader being almost certainly George Osborne. A man with common sense, it was said, who would rule responsibly.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer was seen before his recent budget as a politician who would need the powers of Houdini to fulfill his promise that the government budget would be balanced by the end of this parliament without inflicting huge welfare cuts which would be highly unpopular. Let’s put aside ahem the fact that his previous plan was to do the same by the time of the last general election.
It then transpired that Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) had redrawn its forecasts for the economy over the next several years and made the surprising discovery that £27 billion more in taxes would be available. In one bound Jack, Harry free etc etc. Osborne redid his sums. Suddenly austerity was off the table and the rug was pulled from under the shroud wavers predicting doom in poverty for millions.
Now there are several things wrong with the above.
The first is that the entire idea of being able to forecast the economy five years ahead is bilge. But the sort of bilge you will have to emit if you want the job of government economist. Worse is the notion of exactitude contained in the £27 billion? Why not 26 or 28 billion?
It’s yet another indication of the low ebb to which we are reduced that politicians can quote these sort of figures as though they were counting the coins in your purse. That will give you a certain and exact result.
But there is something else wrong which has been smelt out by the mainstream press – for once they’ve done a good job. It’s something which suggests that the Government has been utterly dishonest yet again over probably the matter of biggest concern to the British people.
The OBR forecast was based on more than a million more immigrants added to the workforce between now and the next election. So Osborne’s budget must be based on the same assumption. After more than five years of declarations that immigration must be brought down to tens of thousands net a year, even the budget is now seemingly based on an open intention not to do anything of the kind. In order to fulfil his budget promise, Osborne intends to swamp Britain with more immigrants.
As Nick Timothy, a recent Government adviser put it:
‘There is a new reason why the Treasury is keener than ever on mass immigration. It might not bring any significant economic benefits for existing British citizens, but it does mean a bigger population, and a bigger population means a bigger economy overall, which means that the effect of spending cuts increases when the deficit is measured as a percentage of GDP.’
The level of deceit is beyond belief.
More lies about the immigration numbers?
Anything to give the false impression that overall it benefits the economy, when in fact much of it, in the longer term, results in the direct opposite and only succeeds in pushing wages downwards.
( Party Official ) When Britain has to BORROW less than the previous financial period , our Government portray this as an excellent state of affairs ! Surely if the economy was really DOING WELL then NEW BORROWING WOULD BE NIL with RE-PAYMENT of HISTORIC DEBT from bad times. Surely ! I am sure that would be the situation with a BRITISH DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHANCELLOR !
( Party Official ) Today is budget day and I am sure we Nationalists welcome the Tax Free threshold on pay , being raised to 11,500 Pounds. However , because it is E.U.Superstate controlled , there is NEVER any mention of a REDUCTION in the CRIPPLING V.A.T. RATE OF 20%. With our other ECONOMIC policies bearing such fruit and creating such a boom , I feel sure that the BRITISH DEMOCRATIC PARTY WOULD REDUCE THIS TO 12% MUCH MORE ON THIS TO FOLLOW !
( Party Official ) TODAY 18/ 4 / 2016 The Chancellor of the Exchequer , George Osborne has brought his office of state into DISREPUTE. To claim that every household in BRITAIN will be 4,300 POUNDS worse off by 2030 is LUDICROUS and he should RESIGN TODAY ! More to follow !
( Party Official ) George Osborne is WRONG to say we will be 4,300 pounds , per household by2030 if we LEAVE THE EUROPEAN UNION SUPERSTATE. Firstly all his quarterly figures have to be constantly revised so his record on predictions is APPALING ! He does NOT KNOW how MANY household there will be by 2030 and anyway ,Britain will be BETTER OFF , NOT WORSE , WHEN WE LEAVE THE e.u.superstate. To just make up any old figure to add to a lie is NOT WORTHY of a Chancellor of OUR COUNTRY and he should RESIGN !
( Party Official ) I am very pleased that most of the media and , more importantly , most of our People , have seen through George Osborne’ s PROJECT fear , made up figures. Well , I have got some figures for him ! Prove them wrong , Chancellor ! V.A.T. is a crippling 20% in Britain , because of the E.U.SUPERSTATE , I FEEL SURE THAT TO HELP OUR PEOPLE , we would be able to REDUCE this to 12% straight away. More to follow regarding B.D.P. POSSIBLE tax Policy.
( Party Official ) With a £ 20 Billion a year saving on our membership fees to the European Union Superstate , British Democratic Party Policy is on to a good start. Our other Policies will save Britain around £50 BILLION PER YEAR , AS WE WILL NO LONGER be PAYING to House , Feed , clothe and generally look after large numbers of Immigrants. So there you have it Chancellor , £ 70 BILLION per year to invest in COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY as we create the BRITISH POWERHOUSE ! More on this to follow.
( Party Official ) As we have said before , our Party would expand the Royal Navy to actually fulfil Britain’s needs in a troubled World. With a PROUD HISTORY of ship building , a return to operating a massive MERCANTILE FLEET will help Britain’s BALANCE OF PAYMENTS. The problems of the steel industry will be gone as we expand our economy and rebuild our Manufacturing base.
( Party Official ) Since the above ‘ spot on ‘ article George Osborne has RUINED ANY CHANCE HE HAD OF BEING A CONSERVATIVE PRIME MINISTER ! This with his DESPICABLE BEHAVOUR IN TELLING UNTRUTHS DURING THE REFERENDUM AND THEN , THREATENING THE PEOPLE WITH A BRUTAL AUSTERITY BUDGET IF WE VOTED TO LEAVE ! However , he has now been gracious enough to say that he will ” RESPECT THE RESULT OF THE REFERENDUM ” ! He had better as there are laws regarding MISCONDUCT IN PUBLIC OFFICE and both he and MR. CAMERON may already have a problem looming with this already !
( Party Official ) All George Osbornes financial Predictions , known as forcasts and produced in conjunction with the Treasury , have proved to be Wrong. With it becoming obvious that ALL the latest FORCASTS being very likely to MISS THEIR TARGET , OUR CHANCELLOR HAS DECLARED THAT YES , THEY WILL MIISS BUT ONLY DUE TO BREXIT ! In the meantime he has lowered the rate of CORPORATION TAX after claiming ALL TAXES WOULD RISE IF WE LEFT THE e.u. superstate . Also , despite claiming INTEREST RATES would RISE if we left , they are IN FACT FALLING. Our Country needs People who get things RIGHT , NOT WRONG ! RESIGN ? I hear you ask ! NO CHANCE ! These days FAILURE IS NOT A REASON TO RESIGN , WITH THESE PEOPLE !