China Moves to Crack Down on Foreign Workers

Unrestrained by the insanity of western liberalism, China has announced a special tax on foreign nationals working in that country in an obvious attempt to crack down on intercompany transfers.

According to a Reuters report, from 15 October this year, all foreign nationals who are working in China will be forced to pay an extra 11 percent of their salaries to the government in exchange to “access to benefits such as pension coverage and medical insurance.”

In addition, the new law will also punish all companies who use foreigners as labour. The employees will have to pay an extra 37 percent of all foreign workers’ salaries in a new special tax to the Chinese government.

The move is clearly designed to discourage multi-nationals from bringing in foreign workers to the detriment of Chinese people.

China’s booming economy has attracted a large number of legal and illegal immigrants, with thousands of Vietnamese workers are flooding into China’s Pearl River Delta region, the country’s manufacturing hub.

The illegal Vietnamese migrants are taking low-paying factory jobs, often using “snakeheads” (traffickers in humans) who are in league with Chinese employers. Recent reports claimed that Vietnamese migrants are penetrating deep into the manufacturing hub of Guangdong, taking jobs formerly held by Chinese workers.

In February 2010, there were more than two million job vacancies in the Pearl River Delta. In an attempt to attract Chiense workers to the region, Guangdong Communist Party Secretary Wang Yang announced a 21.1 percent rise in the minimum wage.

The increase did encourage workers to enter the province, but, coupled with a law that requires employers to pay for basic benefits such as medical care and social security insurance, it also encouraged renewed illegal immigration from Vietnam.

The latest move by the Chinese government is an attempt to protect Chinese workers from foreign competition, and to counteract the internationalism of many multi-national corporates.

It is a lesson in protectionism which Britain would do well to emulate. There is, after all, nothing wrong with putting your own people first, as the Chinese have done.

* China also receives British taxpayers’ money in the form of foreign aid.

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  1. We are always being told these days by our own government that protectionism is wrong and ultimately bad for the economy. The argument is usually based on how this would damage free-market competition. We are told again and again that foreign workers are willing to do the jobs that our own people are unwilling to do. They reinforce that argument by telling us that foreign workers also work much harder than our own people, but conveniently neglect to mention the fact that they are willing to work for considerably lower wages as well.
    The Chinese government must understand these arguments but has obviously opted for a more Nationalistic approach. They have put their own people first because they value their own people, society and culture above that of the new culture of pure greed, which is the phenomenon we are witnessing here in the West. Also, they must realise that the cohesiveness of any society is dependent on all members of that society being able to clearly identify with all others, which is a facet absent in all multicultural societies. The Chinese must be congratulated for their wisdom and good sense in taking care of their own workers which, in turn, will mean the preservation of their own people, culture and native land.

  2. Probably also, China being something like ‘communist’, has less of an identifiable money-making class. So they are less tempted to offload the costs of immigrants onto the general Chinese public. All they need to do is be able to do the simple arithmetic.

  3. Meanwhile……..true to form the British government is stabbing its own working class in the back.
    The coalition government (elected on a supposed pledge to cut immigration), is enetering in secret negotiations with India that will allow virtually uncontrolled, massive Indian immigration into Britain under the guise of ‘intra company transfer’.
    The Indians insisted on their ‘right’ to force their excess population on Britain in return for ‘trade concessions’.
    This whole disgusting piece of mendaciy and deceit is being kept secret from the British people.
    BNPideas should do a post on it.

  4. I doubt if the BBC’s BNP expose will have any significant effect on the public’s political perceptions and ultimately, voting habits at all.

    When one considers the corruption rampant within the three mainstream parties – more recently the MPs expenses scandal, the several overseas company contract malpractices and collusion with crooked banksters and their outright criminal practices, to name merely a few examples, I doubt the BNP has a lot to worry about when it comes to public perception.

    Furthermore, one has to conclude that either the election system is entirely and wholly bent and rigged which I heavily suspect has indeed been the case for some considerable length of time now or the general public has allowed its collective self to be dumbed down to the level of what can only be described as that of mindless robots, or has itself also become hopelessly corrupted because it simply keeps on electing one of the already proven to be corrupt mainstream parties over and over again at every General Election without hesitation.

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