Britain For The British

‘Britain for the British’ – This self evident statement is at last becoming the popular thought of British people. Read Story
‘Britain for the British’ – This self evident statement is at last becoming the popular thought of British people. Read Story
Described in a derisory tone by our media, the so called ‘Far Right Candidate’ accused of racism, sexism and ‘homophobia’ (whatever that means) has won a landslide victory to become president. Read Story
There are 250,000 ‘Ex Paid Up’ Nationalists in Britain. Despite the fact that the vast majority of people in our country never join any political party at any time in their lives, ever. Read Story
Nationalists are frequently demonised by the establishment and their lefty fellow-travellers as being Right Wing or even Far Right, Read Story
Alison Chabloz – the heroic lady who poked fun at the great shibboleth of modern times aka the so-called ‘Holocaust’ – was convicted of uploading ‘three grossly offensive’ songs on YouTube by a Magistrates Court presided over by Judge John Zani. Read Story