Extinction Rebellion fight global warming

Man-made climate change, or global warming, is the most severe threat to life on earth – human, animal, bird, fish, corral and plant life. Read Story
Man-made climate change, or global warming, is the most severe threat to life on earth – human, animal, bird, fish, corral and plant life. Read Story
A majority of the British people voted unequivocally in the 2016 Referendum to leave the European Union. The vote was to leave with no deal, i.e. under WTO rules, because no deals were mentioned on the ballot paper. Read Story
On the contrary, a WTO Brexit was exactly what a majority of the people did vote for, with a hope that ‘free trade’ agreements would subsequently be agreed with the EU and many other countries throughout the world Read Story
The news that Theresa May’s Chief of Staff, Nick Timothy, says that many of her Cabinet and numerous advisors and civil service people, see the Brexit negotiations as a damage limitation exercise is shocking to some! Read Story
“Project Fear” is people who want to defy our Brexit vote and stay in. They spread the downright lie that if we leave the E.U. Superstate all trade with Europe will ground to a halt. This would cause great poverty as our country collapses. Read Story
No one in our country is happy with the political situation, whoever they usually vote for or whatever way they went in our Referendum. The whole world has judged our politicians and their narrow based, opinionated and wrong, parties as totally incompetent.
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After decades trying to convince member nations that the European Union was NOT trying to form one country, the Superstate has now announced the fledgling E.U. Army! Read Story
The 2016 EU Referendum asked voters whether they wanted to remain in the EU or leave it. On the Referendum ballot paper there was no mention of any conditional deal with the EU as to the manner of leaving – we simply voted for Britain to cease being a member of the European Union and revert to pre-1973 independence. Read Story
Theresa May’s horrific so-called “Agreement” is the worst possible of both worlds in that it gives up some of the advantages and keeps, if not strengthens, all the bad things! Forever. Read Story
The Prime Minister is continually saying that Britain is taking back control of our waters and that the fishing arrangements with the super-state are at an end. Read Story
Having read and seen through the blatantly ambiguous language of our disgusting ‘surrender document’, it is clear that deal and no £39bn payment is the way forward. Read Story
By now everyone has realised that the ‘Brexit Draft Agreement Document’ betrays Brexit and indeed Britain. Read Story
Spain said that it would not agree to the draft Brexit withdrawal deal unless Britain agreed to hold talks with them, regarding the sovereignty of Gibraltar. Read Story
Within two days of our historical vote to leave the EU Superstate, Britain should have invoked Article 50, instead of waiting months. Read Story
The whole visa system is designed to protect us from people we don’t want to come here, whether to live or claiming to be coming on holiday, or let’s face it to, blow us up! Read Story
Live on television, watched around the world, French President Macron tried to spoil the most solemn occasion by making disgusting far left comments. Read Story
Recently the dreaded E.U. Super-state has said that it wants to retain the rights to fish our waters as part of any final agreement. Read Story
Why was it 25 years since any of my predecessors had been to Argentina or Chile? It was because our entire global strategy has been focused on the EU. And while that may have been sensible in the 1970s, when we first joined the common market, it makes less sense in the globalised economy of today, when 95 per cent of the world’s growth is going to be outside the EU. Read Story
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker gave his final state of the Union Address on Wednesday. His speech was critical of Theresa May’s Brexit plan Read Story
Following yesterday’s resignation from the cabinet by David Davis, Boris Johnson announced his resignation today, making the announcement just 30 minutes before Theresa May was set to inform parliament about the ‘Cabinet Agreed’ Brexit deal’ she forced through on Friday. Read Story