Cameron’s Euro-Veto for the Banks, Not Britain

By Mark Pritchard. Tory Prime Minister David Cameron has done the right thing (for once!). But for the wrong reason.

He was right to veto the new EU treaty, stealing even more of its member states’ sovereignty, proposed as the Great and the Good of Europe try ever more desperately to save the Euro. But he didn’t do it for Britain. He did it for the banks.

The reason – as he and Foreign Secretary William Hague made clear right away – Cameron vetoed the treaty wasn’t that it would take even more power over our own country to unelected Brussels bureaucrats.

It was that it would in the process impose an additional tax on the global banks, international financial speculators and other spivs and fat cats who operate out of the City of London.

They also, through huge donations, bankroll the Tory party. They got what they paid for – a Tory Prime Minister who would do their bidding and put their unearned wealth first.

The fact that this veto was really all about the interests of the big banks, not Britain, is also why the normally rabidly pro-EU – but also heavily City spiv funded-LibDems played the role of  the dog in the Sherlock Holmes story that didn’t bark in the night-time.

LibDem leader and Deputy PM Nick Clegg, having been “consulted throughout”, quietly accepted what Cameron had done. Even though it created the very “two-speed Europe” the LibDems have vehemently opposed for years. Putting the interests of his financial paymasters ahead of his and his party’s professed principles. What a surprise!

There is no doubt that if the proposed euro-treaty had not threatened the unearned wealth of those who bankroll the parties now governing Britain, they would have signed up to it.

The Tories would also have weaselled their way out of their pledge to hold a referendum first on any new EU treaty that takes away even more of our national independence.

Although the proposed treaty, now to be imposed on the 17 eurozone countries, is the biggest blow to  their national independence since they signed up to the EU in the first place.

In fact, it is the end of their independence. They will have to submit their budgets, and their entire economic and fiscal policy and laws, for EU approval before their national parliaments can even debate them.

They will formally surrender control of their taxation, Government spending, taxation and the rest of their economy to “Europe”. Nominally Brussels, but in fact to the eurozone’s paymasters in Berlin. After sixty years, the German jackboot will descend again on much of Europe.

Already Ireland has experienced the national humiliation of watching, helpless, as her Budget was debated and passed by the German Bundestag before it was even put before the Irish Dail. With the gracious permission of Berlin.

As the Irish Times bitterly commented “Was it for this that the martyrs of the 1916 Rising died?”

Now those who fought and died for the national freedom and independence of 15 of the 16 other eurozone  nations are to be similarly betrayed.

Whilst the 16th nation, Germany, will get what it fought for – power.

Hegemony over the European continent, achieved this time by signatures on paper rather than panzers on streets. And achieved in the name of a very different ideology. But achieved nonetheless.

Clearly Britain is well out of this. But those on the Tory Right and in UKIP who naively hail Cameron a hero of the Bulldog Breed have firmly grasped the wrong end of the stick.

In reality Cameron, backed, be it remembered, by the total Euro-collaborator Clegg, didn’t stand up for Britain, because he was a patriot. He stood up for the banks, because he was paid.

This time the national interests of Britain and the financial interests of the banks happened to coincide. Most of the time they don’t. When they don’t, when the interests of Britain and the banks clash, Cameron, and Clegg and indeed Labour’s Miliband, have always and will always put the banks first. Because the banks bought all of them and their parties, lock, stock and barrel, years ago.


Whilst the EU common currency disintegrates and the EU splits into two over how much sovereignty to surrender to save it, amazingly there are still mugs stupid enough to sign up for berths on the Titanic.

Croatia, which 20 years ago fought a heroic and bloody war to achieve her national independence from the former Yugoslavia, has signed that independence away again by joining the EU.

The Croats have also signed up to join the Euro as soon as possible, which – assuming it still exists by then – will now mean surrendering the last vestige of independence they haven’t already signed away by joining the EU.

British MEP Andrew Brons warned the Croatian Parliament in Zagreb that they were about to make a dreadful mistake by submitting to the yoke of Brussels as we did. In the coming years, the Croatian people will find out for themselves that Mr Brons was right….

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  1. I wouldn’t expect this to be cut and dry.
    Correctly you point out he did what he did for the banksters but I have little doubt that those elements proposed by Merkel and Sarkozy which see increasing powers move to Brussels will still be adhered to just not fiscal elements.
    He will do it drip by drip so avoiding the need to accept the whole constitutes the need for a referendum. Afterall it is the “Son Of Heath” we are talking about.

  2. Its all a farse, Cameron uses a veto. A veto is supposed to stop something dead, to deny its formation, or deny its implimentation.

    This veto has stopped NOTHING, the very essence of the British VETO has been shown for what it is, a farse.

    The monster just ignores what it wants, does what it wants, to who it wants, when it wants.

    OUT NOW, utterly totally and completely, now and forevermore.

    Build out own buisnesses up, grow our own produce, inport ONLY ( in value) slightly less than we export. Then and only then will we grow richer and solvent.

  3. I’ve read many times that if the Tories become more ‘Eurosceptic’ it will be the end of UKIP. I haven’t yet checked online to see what UKIP’s response to Cameron’s decision has been, but if this decision marks the start of the Tories moving away from Europe (I’ll believe it when I see it), then that is surely bad news for UKIP’s electoral potential.
    The veto will certainly have wrong footed Farage as he did an interview on TV a day or so before the summit and categorically stated that he “does not believe a word that David Cameron says”. In other words Farage thought it was inconceivable that Cameron would use the veto.

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