Birth rates and the environment

Birth rates and the environment
We extend our concern for the indigenous British people to the welfare of the environment of our national homeland, the British Isles. We regard the principal threat to our environment as lying in the excessive and ever rising overcrowding of our islands.
Our homeland is not just full up. It is bursting at the seams. England and Wales in particular, where the overwhelming majority of our people live, has become one of the most densely peopled areas of its size in the world, far more crowded than our major European neighbours.  The cause of that is Immigration.
Most of the unprecedented 3.7 million increase in the population of England and Wales in the ten years to the last, 2011, Census is officially admitted to be the result of ongoing Immigration.  The rest is due to higher birth rates amongst ethnic groups of post-1948 Immigrant origin.
In our view overcrowding causes almost all the other problems afflicting our environment. Urban sprawl, the unrelenting pressure to build ever more houses on what remains of our countryside to house ever more people, and to use ever more intensive farming methods to try to feed them. These intensive farming methods are recognised as the main threat to our native wildlife, notably wild birds.  Overcrowding also strains our transport system, resulting in jam-packed motorways and commuter trains.
Worse in the long run, the fact that our islands now have far more people jammed onto them than they can sustainably support or feed means we are ever more dangerously dependent on an ever more complex, ever more fragile web of global trade for food, fuel, energy and vital raw materials.
We would therefore protect the environment of the British Isles and the quality of life of the British people by stopping all further Immigration completely. Our islands are full up and cannot take any more people settling on them. We would further, as already stated, encourage Immigrant communities to return to their countries of origin.
Given that the birth rate amongst the native British population has fallen substantially below replacement levels, if our land were inhabited only by its own people the population of our islands would stabilise at an environmentally sustainable level giving a much improved quality of life for all. That is our aim.


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  1. Just plain common sense but totally unacceptable to the globalist in Westminster and The City who require an endless supply of cheap labour to maintain their profit margins.

  2. ( Party Official ) Great article that could end with a positive statement by our Party , such as ; ‘ Therefore we maintain that the Maximum Population of our Nation will be 58 Million. ‘

  3. It is just overwhelming. Our once great cities are now third world outposts. It’s all on a plate for them. The tragedy of it is that what you see now is only the tip of the iceberg. We have to build a genuine resistance to this crime inflicted on our nation.

    Right now we have to let the flow go with the UKIP smokescreen, they are of use to us, but as we all know…. this country is heading for disaster and what they say is nothing more than window dressing. The above article tells it how it actually is.

  4. malc party member

    This country went to the dogs in 1945 with Americanisation,immigration is a excuse to keep wages,inflation low in a failed capatalist system,our industry as always slowly declined but not like Thatcher/Major did in 18 years of total destruction to the UK,now posh boy Lord Snootyclueless Osborne increaing and doubling our National debt due to there Banking friends allowing more immigrants for none existing jobs,clueless snobs the Tories,but someone is making money out of immigration at same time increasing the welfare state bill,where are these jobs?look in your local newspaper jobs night,how many full time jobs 40 hours plus a week? its only going to get worse,next election or one after the creeps in parliament will be relying on the migrant vote as lots do now in England as us indiginous have given in,

  5. ( Party Official ) HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! On 16/6/2015 Our Great Man would have been 103 ! Whilst guilty of using flowery classics based language , ALL THAT HE FEARED would happen to our Nation and people , IS COMING TRUE ! God help us .

  6. ( Party Official ) To whom do I refer ? Shame on anyone who does not know. THE LATE, GREAT , ENOCH POWELL

  7. ( Party Official ) I wish to thank those who have urged me to serve our Party on the N.E.C. But will have to decline due to current health problems. However, I am leafleting in Dorset and as the local official I am available for membership ‘ follow ups ‘ and have plans for a full time B.D.P. Office at my cost.

  8. ( Party Official ) As a sop to his right wing and indeed centre of his party , David Cameron has surprisingly proposed to introduce a five year prison sentence for landlords who house illegal immigrants ! This could have come straight from the British Democratic Party and we can only applaud this measure and indeed thinking !

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