The Best Deal Is No Deal
Having read and seen through the blatantly ambiguous language of our disgusting ‘surrender document’, it is clear that deal and no £39bn payment is the way forward. Read Story
Having read and seen through the blatantly ambiguous language of our disgusting ‘surrender document’, it is clear that deal and no £39bn payment is the way forward. Read Story
In several previous articles, The British Democrats have mentioned Britain’s dire need for illegal immigrant and fishery protection vessels. Read Story
By now everyone has realised that the ‘Brexit Draft Agreement Document’ betrays Brexit and indeed Britain. Read Story
Spain said that it would not agree to the draft Brexit withdrawal deal unless Britain agreed to hold talks with them, regarding the sovereignty of Gibraltar. Read Story
The British Democrats wish all our members and supporters in Scotland a ‘HAPPY ST ANDREW’S DAY’. Read Story
During the media’s reporting of the story of Briton Matthew Hedges, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for alleged spying in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), it was casually mentioned that we could pressure them for his release. Read Story
Some years ago, whilst the media were gloating at a very poor nationalist vote in London, the patriotic movements leader at the time declared ‘London is lost’! He meant, to decent patriotic people! Read Story
Within two days of our historical vote to leave the EU Superstate, Britain should have invoked Article 50, instead of waiting months. Read Story
No one is saying that every immigrant that came to Britain from 1960 – 1980 (Immigrant Generation 1) has behaved badly. However, there were many social, economic and law & order problems with many. Read Story
A Somalian man, who I am sure Australia had been kind to, tried to blow people up by setting his car full of gas cylinders on fire. Read Story
The whole visa system is designed to protect us from people we don’t want to come here, whether to live or claiming to be coming on holiday, or let’s face it to, blow us up! Read Story
Live on television, watched around the world, French President Macron tried to spoil the most solemn occasion by making disgusting far left comments. Read Story
Recently the dreaded E.U. Super-state has said that it wants to retain the rights to fish our waters as part of any final agreement. Read Story
Mass immigration destroys any government financial initiative, however well founded. Read Story
‘Britain for the British’ – This self evident statement is at last becoming the popular thought of British people. Read Story
Poem by Robert Laurence Binyon (1869-1943), published in The Times newspaper on 21 September 1914. Read Story
Described in a derisory tone by our media, the so called ‘Far Right Candidate’ accused of racism, sexism and ‘homophobia’ (whatever that means) has won a landslide victory to become president. Read Story
Convicted of advocating support for ISIS, this disgusting British hating individual has been released early from Belmarsh prison. Read Story
Britain needs to leave the EU. on the due date, with no ‘Transition Period’ or fudge of any kind. Read Story
There are 250,000 ‘Ex Paid Up’ Nationalists in Britain. Despite the fact that the vast majority of people in our country never join any political party at any time in their lives, ever. Read Story