As World Population Hits 7 Billion Ours is Not to Say, Ours is But to Pay

By Southwest Nationalist. Seems it’s official, not that anyone really has a clue. The world has hit 7 billion people, somehow it seems various sources decided that 7 billionth life was born in India. Fair enough guesstimate probably, going on odds it’s there or Africa really.

The Department for International Development (DFID) marks the day with an article, feature, and some comments by International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell.

There’s a few bits which are worth mentioning to put things into perspective, and then they go off on the usual tangent.

“Today, the global population will pass the seven billion mark. That’s more than double the number of people who were alive 50 years ago.”

“Most of the current population growth is taking place in the world’s poorest countries. This will add to the pressures that governments in these countries face to provide basic services like health and education for their people”.

Can’t really fault that on any terms, apart from the fact it omits to say that the real pressure will be placed on the West to support all this, both in financial and development terms to pick up the pieces of catastrophe, as well as via the mass influx of peoples heading to our nations.

Andrew Mitchells ‘insights’ are typical though.

“Some people think we’re heading for a vast human tragedy if growth continues at the current rate – others think we’ll cope and that the rising population is simply proof of increasingly sophisticated developments in medicine, agriculture and technology” he informs us.

Got a bit of sunstroke on all those foreign trips Andrew? You’re looking at a mirage if you think the world can even support the 7 billion people here now. The evidence is there for all to see.

The “world’s poorest countries” where most of this population growth is taking place sure as hell can’t support their existing populations. They already face catastrophe if it wasn’t for us delaying the inevitable.

Tomorrow, they face an even greater tragedy if their populations keep expanding.

“It is not for DFID – or anyone – to say how many children people should have – that has to be a free choice” Mitchell continues.

But it is for the entire world to come to us, with our resources already stretched thin and our own country in ruins, with their begging bowl outstretched and expect us to fund it all.

The “vast human tragedy” Mitchell refers to is already here, it’s just being kept at bay by regular injections of Western support.

The answer to how long population will continue to increase is a simple one – it will for as long as we fund it.  Countries know we pick up the pieces, for as long as that remains true nothing will change.

They get the right to choose to have countless children and for their populations to grow at an alarming rate, we get the responsibility of trying to delay and minimise the ensuing tragedy.

We store a worldwide tragedy up as the inevitable occurs. Populations grow out of control, local resources are not there, and as resources run out migration increases as people seek that land of plenty somewhere over yonder.

Catastrophe inevitably occurs at some point, and the ripple effect of migration – especially from high birth rate populations – sees other nations placed in the same overpopulation predicament. We can see that migration effect in Britain today.

The sad, cold fact, is that so long as we are always there with a helping hand nothing will change save that our helping hand will see more and more demanded of it by a rising world population. We fuel the problem.

Andrew Mitchell in fact sums up our insane position – “It is not for DFID – or anyone – to say….”.

If we add to that so it reads “It is not for DFID – or anyone – to say….it is just for us to pay” then that’s where our position could be said to be.

We assume all the responsibility and burden, yet are allowed no say. We just sit back and pay to fund an ever growing problem.

Overpopulation is quite possibly the greatest problem facing the world today, and the actions of the West ensure that the final outcome will be all the more catastrophic.

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  1. Its the reverse of the 19th century, the rest surge & takeover thhe world the west sacrifices itself ti assist. Imperialusm though brought vast progress for the whole planet, Thirdworld dominance
    Will just cause us all to revert to barbarism, a sirt of global Nigeria-Pakistan instead of a global England-France.

  2. Wonder what Mitchell will be saying when this (our) particular boat sinks……..
    or where he will be when it happens.
    Not here, that’s for sure.
    Shouldn’t have long to wait though.
    I’m glad I am old enough to be on my way out, & not young enough to be on my way in.
    Damn these politicos.

  3. If the Worlds population continues to increase at the same rate as it has been doing, by the end of this century it will have reached 16 billion. Almost all of this growth is in Sub Saharan Africa where there is large-scale ignorance and virtually no birth control practised. If we in the developed world are supposed to have an obligation to give aid to these people then surely they also have an obligation to reduce their population growth. This is not to be confused with “racism”, it is simply being practical and humanitarian. There is a very interesting video that will explain why we have no chance of ever helping the third world if they do not reduce their unsustainable birthrate. Immigration Gumballs.

  4. The world population quadrupled in the 20th century yet the calories available per person went up. During the second half of the 20th century the population doubled yet total forest area actually increased. Absolute poverty has decreased by 1 third in the last 13 years even though we added a billion people to our population. The stats also suggest that the population explosion is actually fading.
    It is all about innovation and education, not knee jerk prejudice and reaction – innovation in terms of resources and education in terms of population growth.
    In the last 60 years we have trebled the volume of our 3 biggest crops yet the inputs which include land and labour have barely changed. Genetic modification, fertilisers, irrigation and machinery are the reasons for this. From an energy perspective, the discovery of how to extract shale gas has just provided us with a whole new resource. Renewable energy is also getting more and more economically viable.
    I am a passionate environmentalist but that doesn’t mean I have to hate capitalism and mass consumption. In fact I believe that an incentive based economy will be the booster for the innovation we need.

  5. (Party Member) CONGRATULATIONS TO BRITAIN. Our space rocket to Mars has had a successful launch! The prestigious project is on it’s way and all paid for by us! Using the last fifteen years or so of foreign aid from Britain, the Indians have launched ‘their’ rocket to Mars. Packed with goodies to help them in the technical research race (sorry didn’t mean to mention race) the Indians are proud of ‘their’ achievement. Well, bully for them!

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