It has been a mystery to many why the British people have near silently permitted their country to be routed towards extinction for the past 40 years.
Most complained that the people must be asleep refusing to see the obvious. The reality was that the possibility of success in resisting seemed so small to individuals and the penalties so great for participating that the incentive to do anything was simply not there.
Mancur Olson illuminated this extraordinary paradox in his book The Decline of Nations. The bigger the evil the less people will likely do to resist it. Incentives are everything the scale of the evil is not.
At last voices are being raised. There is a huge and growing clamour of enthusiasm for UKIP as a vehicle for protest. Yet only after a decade during which the British have become obviously near foreigners in their own capital city. What happened?
UKIP has made it far safer to speak out and people are doing so. The balance of incentive and disincentive has altered.
But there is a lot of wishful thinking on the part of UKIP supporters about its intentions concerning immigration and a lot of dodgy footwork to keep them on board. The reality is that UKIP does not have a real policy on immigration – as Nigel Farage admitted at one point. A points based system tells one nothing without numbers being given. The earlier five year moratorium has been dropped but lingers in many minds as current policy. It’s amazing how few actually look at UKIP’s web site for what it’s actually saying. Not a word on the fact that the volume of existing migrants and the birthrate ensures our minority future.
By the logic of UKIP’s own ‘non-racist’ position it’s likely that arrivals from Europe would fall if it got any power and arrivals from countries with peoples far more different from ours would increase. That is not what most UKIP supporters will have in mind!
So why are the usual suspects now beginning to mass demonstrate against UKIP? Partly because their leaders make a living at it. But mainly because UKIP has given the public ideas they feel they can voice that’s why. The ideas might be largely wishful thinking but they are now emboldened to complain they are losing their country to a far greater degree than the BNP was able to provoke.
Unless UKIP has a big change of heart and decides to become far more radical there will soon be a huge disillusion on the part of umpteen millions who thought they had at last found an answer to their fears for the future. At the moment it provokes a lot of anger if anyone suggests that UKIP might not be all that people think it’s cracked up to be. Any suggestion is trampling on dreams. But the realities will arrive post the current champagne style celebrations.
That’s why there is no case at all for saying that the need for a party like the Brit Dems has ceased to exist.
Its like watching paint dry in that nothing appears to be happening at any particular point in time, but over a period of time it becomes apparent that a change has taken place.
Farage and his toadies totally ignore non-EU mass-immigration in case some Establishment bully calls them “racists” –wicked monsters, far more evil than child torturer-killers, who articulate differences between the races, and concern about being told by aliens what they are allowed to do and not do, about being driven off their island retreat, and being ethnically “cleansed” permanently out of existence!
Lets hope clear-headed, morally strong UKIPers recover their rightful share of power and influence, usurped by Farage. What ever happened to cabinet governance? Mouthy Farage watched mouthy Griffin take over the BNP.
UKIP contains the seeds of its own impeding decline just like the BNP did. Farage runs UKIP like an autocratic dictator as did Nick Griffin and refuses to promote able and talented people lest they become a threat to his position as leader and also UKIP adheres to economic neo-liberalism and economic globalism to an even higher degree than the Tories do and this limits their possible social appeal. This is the main reason why most Labour-inclined voters will not vote UKIP. It is simply no good as a longterm political strategy to just take votes away from the Tories in the main whilst not gaining many from the opposing block of Labour voters. What is going to happen when the Tories lose next May as seems very likely looking at the latest polls? I think what is going to happen is the Tories will regain many of the voters UKIP has currently gained from them because they will be in opposition to either a Labour majority government or a Labour-led one.
UKIP would be wise to moderate their economic approach now and have one that is more centrist. That way they would pick-up more Labour voters and this will provide a ‘cushion’ to the loss of Tory-inclined voters.
I think Mike Newland has written an excellent article here and summed up the situation accurately and succinctly. I have often found it frustrating to read comments by nationalists, on here and elsewhere, attacking, jeering and deriding UKIP, as if they were in a position to offer a ready alternative of equal electoral credibility at the ballot box. Do they suggest perhaps, that we should – after all that has transpired since 2010 – ‘vote with our political ideals/conscience’ and support the BNP on 22 May, thus helping to shore up Griffin’s stranglehold of that moribund rump of a party? I can see why UKIP’s recent “Don’t ever call us racist” London rally might have tipped a few people in that direction! However, we must think with our heads rather than with our emotions. Ironically, if the BNP, BDP, NF and other existing nationalist parties had all suddenly announced they were shutting down and telling their supporters “Vote UKIP”, it would have given the Establishment media a field day in ‘smear by association’ attacks on the insurgent UKIP, not that those tactics have been necessarily found to work recently. Of course UKIP has a ‘proscribed list’ in place to try and prevent ‘entryism’/infiltration, but then it has been observed by its opponents; “Because it is the only party that needs to have such a ban”. Why? Because UKIP’s main themes are concerned with national identity/sovereignty/self-determination – all key nationalist themes. Thus, it is going in the right direction, even if not as far as we would like.
Like it or not, UKIP and Nigel Farage in particular, has found a way through the quagmire of imposed ‘political correctness’ to articulate themes that revive the prospect of national self-determination. Progress towards nationalist political goals will have to be achieved incrementally. In effect, a reverse of the incremental drive to globalism. UKIP are proving successful and are set to pull off something quite spectacular that has certainly eluded us all these years. The LibLabCon are on their way out. This is a big prize.
Frustrated nationalists can scream “They’ve stolen our votes” as much as they like. The reality is that votes and voters do not ‘belong’ as of ‘right’, to any political party. Votes have to be earned and are merely lent by the voters. But politics abhors a vacuum. If a new alignment of ‘Establishment; parties emerges from all this which includes UKIP, but fails to deliver, then the BDP, or something like it, will find a voice.
It worries me intensely that all too many nationalists would like to do in UKIP because it’s not offering the full cake.
The concept of half a cake being better than none is seen as near treachery as far as I can see. And that seems to be a basic flaw in political technique and attitudes on the part of the nationalist movement. Better to be a campaigner for the full cake meeting in a telephone box than a campaigner for half the cake in a big hall….
Even if UKIP were totally fake it’s still creating future opportunity for others by sanitising expression of broadly nationalistic views. Without that going on we’d currently have almost nothing.
Well I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth miself (mixing metaphors in the same post). I’m voting UKIP but also asking questions about its policies.
This must be the first time in history that a people and a civilisation have actually willed themselves to extinction.
Of course, it s the political class which has done that: the ‘clever sillies’. identified in a previous post who think the world would be better of without us. Of course, they never asked the opinion of the rest of us .
Either way, if attitudes don’t change, oblivion is our destiny. And if we don’t take action, we will deserve if.
Thankfully, attitudes do seem to be changing – fast, at last.
I remember Jonathan Bowden saying that the English will put up with any imposition for a very long time – but when they finally crack they become exceedingly robust.
It’s easy to see how the imposers can be led into a belief that their latitude is endless. The current official politicians obviously think so.
Let’s hope it’s true this time.
UKIP are performing a valuable service. They are breaking down the taboo imposed by the left- liberal media on the subjects of immigration and associated matters in a big way.
It won’t be as possible in the future , if UKIP does well in the EU elections, for members of the political class to shut up debate by screeching ‘racist’ of simply denying a platform, as the BBC has managed to do god so long.
All right, UKIP are not the answer, but they are a perhaps necessary door opener for a genuinely patriotic answer.
The lessons of UKIP: that of the appeal to middle class opinion by respectable people, should not be ignored.
The British public seems to have finally had enough of the EU dictating to us what we can and cannot do. In politics the simple message is always more powerful than a longwinded and complicated policy. We want out, and we want to regain our national independence and democracy. I sincerely hope that the rise in support for UKIP will result in Britain’s withdrawal from the accursed EU. Those who advocate changing the EU are dreaming, and the promises of David Cameron are worthless hot air. The EU cannot be changed in any meaningful way without the agreement of all EU member countries. All the treaties will need to be ripped up and renegotiated, and that just isn’t going to happen.
I agree that UKIP are doing an extremely important job in breaking voting habits and drawing the votes of those who believe that they have a real possibility of success. I will personally be hoping that our BDP candidates do exceptionally well, but knowing the pragmatic nature of the British electorate I won’t be surprised if any UKIP candidates beat them. While UKIP are seen as having a real chance of changing things for the better the voters are far more likely to lend them their vote. If they gain MP’s next year but fail to deliver what the voters are expecting, that is the moment that the BDP may be able to persuade them to give us a chance. In order to be in that position though, we will need to become as large and as well-known as UKIP.
Yes, it is a complete fantasy to expect the EU to change substantially into something which would be broadly acceptable to the British people. The Germans may throw us a few crumbs from the table but the French, Spanish, Polish and others will be very reluctant to do so.
If the Common Market as it then was or the EU was ever going to change in a British direction then it needed to have us on board from the word go so we could have co-designed it. British PM’s from Attlee to Eden and Churchill were always suspicious of this organization and so didn’t want to join it. The EU is basically a French and German club still even with other counties from Eastern Europe who have joined it subsequently.
The founding principle of the EU is “the ever closer union of the peoples of Europe”. That has never been altered and it certainly won’t change now.
I have hoped for quite some time for a confluence of all patriotic efforts into a solid association that could weld our British people once again into a rational pragmatism that was onetime such a force for good in developing our modern society.
I had indeed hoped that the BDP might become the big tent to bring all patriots together by way of intellect and diplomacy. Therefore your comments as to whether a bloc of like minded groups is a possibility would be appreciated.
As a point to ponder one might consider the evolution of the thirteen divergent former colonies N’est-ce pas!
The BDP can only become a big tent if people put aside the current but understandable mood of utter disillusion. Largely created by Griffin.
There are still those who half expect a resurrection of the BNP. Let’s hope that ceases soon.
Fact is that the BDP might be small – but it’s not a money racket and it’s not phoney. Nor is it a one-man-band – the curse of nationalism. Nor is it trying to lead people into what politically is a dead end however worthy the motives of many involved – a street stuff dedicated group.
In my opinion nationalists tend to be a little bit too sturdily independent minded. It’s a recipe for a lot of groups all too small to gain critical mass. I say better half a cake than none at all.
I am glad that it isn’t a money racket nor is it a one man band. I think that these are complete curses for any political party let alone a nationalist one. Also, as you say, it is right that it only operates as a legitimate political party.
(Party Member) I too want our BDP to succeed. We have the best set of policies in and for Britain. To help new visitors to our site find out what we really stand for could we have a weekly spotlight on one of our policies ?
(Party Member) Well said Geoff Crompton. I have constantly pointed out on our site, over the last year, that Ukip will open the door for us Nationalists.They will break peoples habit of voting Lib,Lab or Con. It is very hard to stomach as ‘ False Flag Nigel ‘ is getting the success that should have been ours ! Constant complaints about ukip on our site are not needed. We need helpful comments that follow and indeed enhance our policy document and steely determination with hard work for our British Democratic Party.
Yes, UKIP may well help to break people’s silly and stupid ingrained habit of voting for the globalists of Lib/Lab/CON but will that necessarily translate into voting for genuine nationalist parties or will they simply give-up on politics entirely? Infact, if a ‘none of the above’ option was present on ballot papers at general elections I suspect it would have a very good chance of actually winning!
People give up if they see no opportunities.
(Party Member) Yet another pessimistic comment. For the umpteenth time, Ukip will open the door for smaller Party’s, particularly Nationalist ones. It is happening now with the Country about to give anti immigration ( or perceived) Party’s the biggest anti immigration vote ever.
I am not being pessimistic. UKIP can help OR hinder our cause. This is just a statement of fact. Just because someone is anti-EU that doesn’t mean they are a nationalist. You can be against our membership for many different reasons. It is a subject that ISN’T inherently ‘Right-wing’ OR ‘Left-wing’. After all, the Labour Party was against our membership of what was then the Common Market (and we have had Britain’s ONLY referendum on the subject under a Labour government) and we have the ”Rightwing’ Conservative Party to blame for Britain’s membership. Were the Labour Party in the 1970’s nationalists? I don’t think so!
This subject DOESN’T define whether someone is a nationalist or not. The mass immigration one does.
UKIP is a libertarian and ultra-Thatcherite Tory Party and NOT a nationalist party. UKIP DON”T believe that native ethnic peoples exist in Britain. WHEN UKIP start talking about mass immigration and its effects upon us in a SOCIAL (and not just economic way) and how it is impacting on our national character then I will believe they are genuine and not before.
People are voting for them in the main as a huge ‘up yours’ to the Political Establishment. UKIP are now the biggest protest party in British politics and have taken this role away from the Lib Dems who used to perform that role now that the latter is a party of government.
UKIP are a party of GLOBALIST values (particularly in regard to economics) which is why Tories find it so easy to vote for them.
Their media-puffed bubble will burst after the Newark By-election because the media will turn-off the publicity machine for them as Tory newspaper editors won’t want UKIP to damage Tory election chances in the crucial run-up to the next election which is now just a year away.
(Party Member) Traditional Labour Voters are going to vote Ukip in their droves. Although badly mistaken in their PERCEPTION of what Ukip are they will wreck the myth that Ukip are not a threat to Labour. They are !
(Party Member) Having read the above article and comments I do feel very proud to be a member of the British Democratic Party and not ‘ sat on the fence ‘ while waiting to see how things develop. I urge all Nationalists to do the right thing and JOIN the decent, well structured British Democratic Party , TODAY.
(Party Member) I am dismayed that the people of Newark did not take a wonderful opportunity to break the stranglehold of the LibLabCon in their by-election. I predicted that they would overturn a massive Con. majority. They did not and I was wrong. The Ukip vote against European Union and ( they think ) Immigration was however, substantial. Although clearly conservative in their economic and traditional outlook but unhappy with their Party, the step of actually voting against them was still to much for many. I bet they were tempted though and let’s face it , a large proportion of their massive majority ‘ bit the bullet ‘ and voted against Con. party policy. As Mike Newland excellently puts it, We are a Nation Facing Extinction.
(Party Member) I was thrilled to see the further decline of the anything goes, no standards,sick society outlook on life of liberalism. The actual Liberal Party vote, in the Newark by-election, collapsed as they came sixth and last with a record low vote. Yet again ! As the Liberal Party are the exact opposite of Nationalism, this provides us in the British Democratic Party with more evidence and thus hope, for the future.
(Party Member) I was dismayed to see the size of the Labour Party vote in the Newark by-election. In many other parts of the country the traditional Labour Party people are realising the harm that the party did to them in a decade of power. The awful, deliberate flooding of Immigrants into their areas was catastrophic for them in terms of jobs, housing, law and order and indeed their very way of life. This has to a large degree been admitted by many of the perpetraters like Jack Straw and David Blunket, who have back pedalled furiously with every large Ukip vote !
( Party Official ) I hope people enjoy the above older article and comments from our home affairs section. With our grip on things , coupled with a good name and a classless form of Nationalism , we will soon be the successful party that Britain needs. Join us Today !
( Party Official ) Oldham West and Royton by – election ; ( Marxist ) Labour Party , 17,209 , UKIP 6,487 , Conservative 2,596 Liberal Democrat 1,024 and very poor votes for the Monster Raving Loony Party and the Greens !
( Party Official ) It is well known that many despicable Marxist and Anarchist Thugs Joined the mainly Marxist Policies Labour Party recently. They joined for about £6 , ON A SPECIAL OFFER ! Amazingly given INSTANT VOTING RIGHTS they influenced the Party’s LEADERSHIP ELECTION and got a crusty old Communist ELECTED AS LEADER ! Being the very violent sort of anti-Democratic thugs who usually attack DECENT PATRIOTIC , NATIONALIST DEMOCRATS , THEY ARE NOW TERRORISING MORE MODERATE ELEMENTS IN THE LABOUR PARTY ! Much MORE to follow !