By John Shaw
Some famous communist in history said that if you are going to lie then it must be a big lie, to be believed and then repeat it as much as possible.
Results of a study carried out before the referendum.
So it is with the result of the referendum because actually a very large majority of the indigenous British voted to leave!!
First, second and third generation immigrants all instinctively voted to stay and all the EU citizens residing here, despite many mistrusting the EU, joined them. The reason being that if they voted leave it would be like turkeys voting for Christmas!
With only Liberal types and Lefties out of our people, voting to stay, we British are actually more united on the subject than ever before.
Hence the often repeated BIG LIE that we are a people divided.
John Shaw ( Party Official ) The results of a so called ‘ study carried out before the referendum ‘ are a typical example of the BIG LIE , to falsely show that we are a ‘ Nation Divided ‘ , WHEN THE OPPOSITE IS THE CASE. Any rational human being reading that table , would take the section called ‘ WHITE ‘ to mean US , the INDIGENOUS BRITISH. This is not so as about FOUR MILLION , WHITE CHRISTIAN , EASTERN EUROPEAN VOTERS are MIS- REPRESENTED AS US ! THE ACTUAL TRUTH IS THAT WE VOTED 80% TO LEAVE AND 20% TO STAY AND THE SUPERSTATE MANAGED TO UNITE OUR PEOPLE AS NEVER BEFORE , WITH THE EXEPTION OF DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR !
Sadly the libtards and invaders that voted to remain believe they have more say than us. Brexit WILL boost our economy and the signs are positive already. Remoaners can keep moaning til they are blue in the face for all I care.
I was under the impression EU citizens living here were ineligible to vote . But of course who would have stopped them,
Has anyone the definitive answer?.
EU citizens living in the UK from Ireland, those with Dual EU/UK nationality, others from commonwealth countries and of course those from Malta and Cyprus were authorised to vote in the referendum.
John Shaw ( Party Official ) Anyone interested in Politics should have a decent HD television and a SKY subscription. I urge all OUR PEOPLE to do this as it gives you a wonderful insight into what is going on in the WORLD and not just the lefty , liberal drivel that dominates the internet ! My wife and I watched every minute of Theresa Mays speech and we know what she actually said. Likewise the fantastic Fox news which enabled us to follow every development , daily , on Donald Trumps battle to become the Republican Candidate , over the course of about a year ! Likewise the Euro News Propoganda Channel which shows plenty of our great friends and their superb Leader , the FRONT NATIONAL. Also yesterday was a typical African behaviour story about GAMBIA. Countries like us who give them FOREIGN AID , talked their President into actually having an election. He did , promptly LOST and is now refusing to give up power ! Typical of these people I would say ! THE ONLY THING ABOUT ALL THIS IS YOU NEED AN IRON CONSTITUTION TO PUT UP WITH ALL THE LEFTY LIBERAL TYPE LIES BUT AS WELL AS FASCINATING IT CONFIRMS THAT WE NATIONALISTS HAVE BEEN RIGHT ALL ALONG !
John Shaw ( Party Official ) Talking about LIES , did you know that many younger people , who are devoted to the internet , nievely believe nearly all they read. This is FRIGHTENING as the sheer volume of Lefty , liberal type drivel and indeed LIES is incredible ! Did you know that most people under twenty one , believe that we had black slavery in Britain and we Nationalist’s want to bring it back ! These LIES in the media cause endless social problems , even between black people and Asians ! THE TRUTH is that BRITAIN , as a world power , was actually the Country THAT ENDED WORLD SLAVERY and as for here , there was NOT ANY BLACK PEOPLE , let alone SLAVERY ! As if this mind numbing standard of Education is not enough , did you know that many of these people actually believe that the 9 / 11 attack on the TWIN TOWERS AND PENTAGON WAS ORCHASTRATED BY THE U. S. Government and Security Services !